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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Welcome back » 570 weeks ago

Furbush wrote:

I had no idea what was up... I thought the forum died. I clicked every couple of days to see if I was imagining shit. Random check today yielded great results. smile

RaZor wrote:

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. smile  Great to have this place back!

While I have barely posted since I signed up, I check very often, usually every couple days or so, and I've been very disappointed to think that this site was gone for good. I kept getting the Yahoo Search bar stating that the domain could not be found. sad

So glad to give it one more shot yesterday and have it come up!! The only other GN'R site that I even read is, so I'm happy to see this place back in action!!! 5

Long Live The Evolution!!!


#2 Guns N' Roses » Axl coverage via Yahoo and E!online » 821 weeks ago

Replies: 3


  It looks like Axl is getting noticed by the media in regard to the lengthily, yet very necessary, post online. … ghty-list/ … _Name.html

   I hope it will inspire people to read the full story!!


#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » My GUNS N' ROSES short film!! » 822 weeks ago

Thanks to everyone! It was fun to make, even if it was a lot of work. Definitely learned a great deal on it, good and bad.

As for other GN'R related projects, I'm working on a video for "Better" but, it's supposed to be filmed outside and it's a bit nippy here. Maybe by Spring!!

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » My GUNS N' ROSES short film!! » 822 weeks ago

PaSnow wrote:

Do you live in Philly??  Was that homeless guy scene around 17th & JFK??

Yeah and yeah.

#5 Guns N' Roses » My GUNS N' ROSES short film!! » 822 weeks ago

Replies: 10


What's up fellow Guns N' Roses fans?!? I want to share with you a comedic short film about GN'R that I wrote, produced, directed. And I acted in it too!

This is an idea that I've had for a couple of years now and cranked it out in November to coincide with the release of "Chinese Democracy."

I was partly inspired by an online article that featured as it's title: "It's Official: World To End In October" when CD was rumored to be released in October 2006.

So, it's based on that premise, exaggerated even further for laughs, and mixed with some of my own feelings about it finally coming out. Basically, it's various reactions from people upon hearing the news of CD's arrival.

Originally, I planned for this project to be done and online right before CD's actual release but, we were delayed due to weather postponements, Phillies World Series Win/Parade and subsequent celebrations, more weather postponements, some cast changes and my friend/editor being married with 2 kids and working two jobs.

It looks a lot clearer on DVD than on YouTube but, this is how we learn about cameras, etc. Considering that it's my first film out of the gate and had a budget of about 4 dollars, I'm pretty happy with the result!  big_smile

While it's made to entertain across the board, I've included a few GN'R "inside" jokes for the die-hard fans. Keep an eye out!!

If you like it, feel free to pass this on to family and friends. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think!

                   Roll 'Em!!!

               GN'R FOREVER!!


#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Questions for Axl if he visits GN'R Evolution » 822 weeks ago

Yo guys!!

  I am a die-hard fan from Day 1, and with the recent developments about Axl online, answering numerous questions, and filling us in on more of the Gn'R saga, I dug up a post that I had on another GN'R fan site from a couple years back.

I have yet to meet Axl but, if I had a real chance to speak with him, not just shake his hand, chit-chat for a few, and get a photo (which I'd be more than happy with!), here are 20 well thought-out questions that I'd like to pose to him. Thank you in advance Axl!! big_smile

20 Questions for Axl Rose:

1. When you were growing up, how much of what you've achieved and who
     you've become did you envision?

2. Do you think you'd still be alive if you didn't "make it?"

3. If you could tour with any band ever, living or dead, who would it be?

4. What's your list of Top 10 Desert Island Discs? (10 Cds that you couldn't
    live without on a desert island.)

5. What is your all-time favorite movie?

6. Who were your heroes, if any, when you were growing up?

7. You grew up singing in a choir and you are often seen wearing a
    cross....what is your current relationship with God?

8. Are you close with your brother and sister?

9. Have you ever wanted children and if so, do you still??

10. Where were you and what were you doing on September 11th, 2001?

11. Given the elaborate videos that GN'R became known for, have you ever
      thought about acting?

12. The Simpsons writers seem to be huge GN'R fans, with all of their
      references in numerous shows. Are you a fan of the show, and if so,
      what is your favorite episode??

13. How close was Chinese Democracy's completion and release in late
     2002/early 2003?

14. If you could, right now, talk with your parents for 10 minutes, what
      would be something you'd say?

15. Did you vote for Ahnuld? (either election)

16. What do you think of the Rock N' Roll scene at the moment and how it's
      changed since Guns' last original album?

17. In what area of your life has Beta helped you the most?

18. At what age do you think you'll call it a day and retire from touring and

19. A hundred years from now, how do you want to be remembered?

20. Are you truly a happy person?

       Respectfully submitted,


P.S. - Please come back to PHILLY!!

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Official website update with link to » 822 weeks ago


Congratulations to James and the entire Evolution crew!! I was very surprised to see it myself and then thought, 'It's about damn time they got some recognition.'

The important thing is to stay humble and not have it cloud your judgment. Keep up the great work guys!!!


#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » High quality album art released by Universal Music... » 830 weeks ago

Axlin08 wrote:

I think there's too much "Guns N' Roses" all over it. It's overkill. Simpler is better.

I think that cover would be awesome if they totally dropped "Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy", and it was just the bare pic, with the spray paint Guns N' Roses on the top-left, and the new small GnR logo at the bottom right.

While I see your point, and probably would have liked it better the way you describe (it's how I always imagined it, but w/o the logo), this album also has become so big, it might as well arrive with all of the pomp and circumstance. No need to be quiet about it now! As if to say, " -->THIS IS CHINESE DEMOCRACY!<-- You've only waited forever! Here it is!!"

Great find, this is the first place that I saw this posted! I think it looks pretty cool and yeah, it was a photo that someone sent to Axl and talked about this in August of 2002 in Hong Kong.


#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Press Release! (Rolling » 830 weeks ago

Yo everyone!!

I've been reading this board for a little while but, haven't posted up until now, so I'll quickly introduce myself. I've been quite the journeyman the last 8 years on GN'R message boards (mygnr - htgth -

I'm still over at but, found this site after cd recently started to get "restrictive" which reminded me of htgth. I've been there for well over a year but, I'm not a person that feels the need to reply to every single thread, especially the type that involve discussing what everyone thinks Axl eats for breakfast, etc. I have barely 25 posts there.

Anyway, I've noticed this board to be very "free thinking" and I thank them for it. So, while I might not post all the time, I'll try to add to the discussion at hand when I do.

Regarding the "official" announcement, I am ecstatic!! I've been a Guns N' Roses fan since 1987 and they are my all-time favorite band! First saw them in 1991, fought in the Philly riot in 2002, saw them twice in 2006 and I look forward to a tour that is really under the CD name! :-D I have followed every story, down to the nuance, about when this Cd would be released. It's unbelievable that it's finally, truly here. To hold this disc in my hands will be a culmination of waiting/heartache/joy that began when I was still in high school!!

I've been saving every news story that I can because I plan on documenting it on the actual day that I get to physically have this thing in my hands. Definitely will be sleeping out, if that is an option, and will have a camera and camcorder at the ready. Something like this will never happen again and I want to be able to experience certain highlights again. I know a lot of fans feel the same and probably have waited as long as myself.

This nightmare is about to end and become a nice reality. Enjoy it!!!

   All the best,


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