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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion » 827 weeks ago

i must be in the minority when i think that if the world sounds much better now, the production on the drums, the heavier guitarbass, (sub bass?).

i also think the phased (la, la, la) part works really well, espceially when it comes back in to axl's vocal.

all in all, i think the song just got 100% better imo

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Article and review of CD in the Guardian » 827 weeks ago

I'm not one for harassing journalists over negative reviews. But Dan Silver got to me, because he was so biased, and his 2 stars were based on the fact he hated axl rose. Here's what i wrote to the editor...

Dear Sir,

One had always imagined that facts, song titles, styles and reasons for opinions were almost a pre-requisite when constructing a review of any style of music. It seems that these key journalistic values have been unashamedly abandoned when Dan Silver "reviewed" the Guns N' Roses album "Chinese Democracy".

Mr Silver chose to abandon any sort of impartial reporting, instead, he focussed on the melee of what became the making of said album, choosing to mock Axl Rose. The article did not articulate the style of the album, name any band members, contain a track listing, or even give a reason for his negative opinions.

After reading the review one could possibly question if the reviewer has actually heard the album, echoing the scandal of Maxim magazine who made disparaging comments about an album by the Black Crowes when in fact promotional copies were not available. That journalist was said to have made "an educated guess preview".

Does the guardian have some sort of (not so hidden) agenda against Axl Rose, and the band he calls Guns N' Roses? I refer back to the review of the Chinese Democracy single by Elizabeth Day where she referred to Axl rose as someone who has,

" been cryogenically frozen in the early Nineties, with his fingerless gloves and his Stars and Stripes bandana."

Other quotes about the track include

"I am struck by its uncanny resemblance to the Crocodile Dundee soundtrack" - simply untrue.

Obviously everyone has their own opinions, i respect that. Conclusions should, however, be drawn with respect to the writers reasoning behind such opinions. none of which i have read in the Guardian.

Obviously Guns N' Roses are not to everyone's tastes, their album should, however, be reviewed fairly. i would be interested to hear what exactly made these reviewers feel so strongly against the music presented to them?

The Guardian is a well respected newspaper, and I'm shocked to see this brand of lazy, petulant journalism has a place in the newspaper.


Dr. David McKay

hopefully I'll hear back. btw. the rolling stone review was bit over the top. OMG is not better than "everything" on TSI?

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut » 828 weeks ago

what i would say is that if robbie williams released street of dreams (god forbid) as a cover with less Rock, it would sell insaneley well and be judged as a return to form for him.

sorry for using him as an example, i couldn't think of anyone else

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » My guitar complaint *spoilers included* » 828 weeks ago

i agree with the dream theater comment. i said this a few days ago in relation to this i love, (its sounds like a track from scenes from a memory).

in terms of guitar complaints......imo, the current line up to fine on the heavier tracks, BUT, when it comes to a ballad (witht he exception of sorry which has a beautiful solo) there is something missing.

I have NEVER< EVER said i felt the new line up missed slash. NEVER. But i will admit that on this i love, one of his bluesy dynamic and soulful solo's would suit it better.

Its not about who is a beter guitarist, its just conflicting styles

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS* » 828 weeks ago


i suppose in between 93 and 95 the bulk of what was no commerically as the most succeful GnR parted ways.

I dont think opinions are getting like htgth either, said the band ceased to exist in 93, it would get pulled asap.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion » 828 weeks ago

my guess is thats its MSL thats leaking this crap. (although im sort of grateful but annoyed that he wont leak fully).

The leaker (MSL???) is either scared of being tracked and damaging a close contact or loves to see us do this merry dance

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » GN'R/CD Promotion Materials » 828 weeks ago

the poster the uploaded that video above, did an awesome job!

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » The Great GNR Message Forum Sell out » 829 weeks ago

I have to say i haven't been a member here all that long, but i think this forum is real cool, pretty much everything is discussed, good, bad and ugly.

HTGTH, as you have all said, WAS the premier GnR site but it just got beyond tiresone having posts deleted for trivial things. And as you have said, people over there have been called trolls etc which i bad

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single » 830 weeks ago

i think htgth just crashed......

EDIT: no it didn't, im just an excited tool...

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List » 835 weeks ago

so where exactly did this list come from, how did you get your hands on it?

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