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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion » 830 weeks ago

Can someone send me a link for SOD?

Edit: I heard that it didn't leak and it's just the old one with the guitars from one of the promo clips squashed in 18

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » 2007: The Year The Music Died » 873 weeks ago

Great article.

The only thing that i have to disagree is we did hear some very decent albums in '07. VR's Libertad or BJ's Lost Highway for example. There are some really sincere, timeless, rocking tunes in those albums.

#3 Re: Management » GNR Evolution » 875 weeks ago

AtariLegend wrote:
jac185 wrote:

All is well now.

Does anyone else ever find it either takes way too long to connect to this site or not at all...?

I get cannot display page most of the times I come here, and have for ages.

I presume I'm the only one, since no one else seems to have mentioned it yet.

Yeah that happened to me about half an hour ago. Since it was the first time, i thought the problem was with my int. connection.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Remember this document? » 875 weeks ago

AtariLegend wrote:

Over the same amount of shows, who sold more tickets VR or Guns N' Roses.... ?

Yet, I didn't here anyone calling VRs tour a failure.

Yeah but VR isn't the one who's using a legendary name and %85 of a setlist of that legendary band. So they have different measures of succes. I wonder how the new lineup would've done with a name of their own and just playing ChiDem stuff.

#5 Re: The Sunset Strip » VH1 Top 100 songs of the 90s-Guess who's missing?? » 875 weeks ago

Mtv europe did something like this last year and let the fans vote over a month. It was something like ''the greatest songs of the past 25 years'' list and backstreetboys came first with a '06 single. So i don't take these lists too seriously.

#8 Guns N' Roses » Burnout Paradise gets exclusive Guns N' Roses trailer » 875 weeks ago

Replies: 5

EA's latest addition to the popular Burnout racing series, Burnout Paradise, has today received an exclusive trailer fuelled in its entirety by Guns N' Roses' fiery anthem 'Paradise City,' which is surprising considering that the game is set in... yes, you guessed it... Paradise City.

Published by EA and developed by Criterion Games, Burnout Paradise will be released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on January 22, 2008. … es_trailer

Looks badass.

#9 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » 3 new Bucket cds! » 875 weeks ago

I never heard much BH music before except for the gn'r stuff. I'm dloading bansheboot now, i'd appreciate it  if anyone would pm me a bunch of their fav.  BH songs 19 .

I kinda like his attutide towards the music industry. Imagine GN'R offically releasing every session, every jam, every concert dvd 11 . But yeah a Best of '07 from BH would be nice.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy - will you or won't you » 875 weeks ago

Acekicken wrote:

People say o I down load songs & if I don't like
them I delete  them???? You know what If you walked into a Store
walked out with the CD listen to it don't like it & throw it out it's
still dose not make it right.

Bumblefoot once wrote an article about deleting dloaded tracks if you don't like it enough to buy the album and how he was ok with that. I'm trying to find the article, anyone remember it?

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