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#2 Guns N' Roses » Check this out: Sweet Child Mixed with Whoomp there it is » 811 weeks ago

Replies: 1

You can find it here as a free download:

I really dig it!

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » What did you expect? » 824 weeks ago

Oh my god no!  Gene talks out of his ass about projects that are coming out and keep you eye open for them...and then don't see the light of day!  He promised years ago for a boxset of just his material and all of it would be unreleased!  As of this day, nothing.  You know the KISSOLOGY series?  How do you think they got most of the footage for that?  Thats right.  The stole it back from us!  Most of the bootlegs in circulation are better than what is on the KISSOLOGY DVD's?  They even had the balls to claim the owned the footage and its from their "vaults".  BULLSHIT!  The scared the hell out of anyone they could that if they did not come off the footage they would sue them.  Then look at the backstage packages that they sell for shows.  $1000 bucks a ticket for a autograph and a picture?  Most fans really can't afford that, but they don't care.  When they toured with Aerosmith, Aerosmith was only charging $400 for the exact same package!  I could go on and on they lie me too and yes I feel that they don't owe me anything either.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Self-Hatin' GN'R Fans » 824 weeks ago

The only reason I gave the man my money was because I knew the album would be killer!

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » What did you expect? » 824 weeks ago

Honestly, I don't read whats going on over at HTGTH.  Axlin08, thanks but you did not have to apologize.  Trust me, I love GNR.  Love the music.  Don't really care about/or what the members do anymore.  The only reason I say Axl does not owe us anything is this:
1)  He does not have to put out anything at this point in the game.  If he puts out, great, I'll go it.  If he does not, oh well.  I won't loose any sleep over it.
2) We had a hell of a run from 88-93.  Wish I had been older to enjoy it all, but that was a great time to be a fan.  There is no way he will ever top that.  I should thank the man on the spot for the those years.  GNR is pretty much what saved music for me!

As far as Axl and respect, it's always been his ego trip.  I know the does not care about me.  He could really care less if I like his music or not and I know he is not going to go out of his way to please me.  Then on the other hand I am used to it...I am KISS fan.  Gene has been lying to me years!

#6 Guns N' Roses » What did you expect? » 824 weeks ago

Replies: 60

I am really just a lurker here, but have I am a big GNR fan from the day I heard WTTJ.  All the talk around here has been how bad everything has  been going with the new CD.  But really?  What did you expect?  There is NO WAY it was going to be this huge breakout selling disc.  Nobody but the die hards care!  Me, I got it the day it came out and could not wait for it.  But everybody I have talked to that did not know about the album ,did not even know GNR was still around.  The CD finally saw the light of day.  Get over it, enjoy it, and listen to it.  I do think the lyrics of Sorry are directed at all of us.  Axl DOES NOT OWE US ONE DAMN THING! Yes, it took forever to get the album, but we got it.  In some form or another, we have it.  Did you really think Axl was going to promote the album? When is the last time you saw him on TV, heard him on the radio, or hell just heard his name with out some wise ass crack about the album that will never be released?  I don't think there will be a tour, a video, nothing.  We got what we are going to get and thats as good as gets.  At least you got new music.  My all time fav. band is KISS and it's been 10 years since there was a new KISS song.  I think we as fans have to take it for what it is, move on, and enjoy what we all have wanted for so long!

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single » 830 weeks ago

Oh god no, call the radio stations! I have!  I'm just saying Idon't really care what they say...i know it rocks!

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single » 830 weeks ago

Does it really matter what CNN and some stupid radio polls think?  All that matters is people hear the song (and the rest of the album) when it comes out.  It's gonna sale no matter what they say!

#9 Management » New here and every excited! » 833 weeks ago

Replies: 6

I just came across this GNR site and so far it's the best I have seen.  Seems like people here actually care if the album comes out and they want to hear it!  That being said, with all the GNR news coming out, I can't wait to have the CD in my hands.  The last new material Axl put out was when I was senior in high school!

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