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#1 Re: The Garden » I am Going to be a Mommy Again » 858 weeks ago

Congrats!!  I have been away for a while and seemed to missed out on a bit!!  Good luck with the baby!!

#2 Re: The Sunset Strip » Is There a Pink Floyd and Wizard Of Oz link? » 869 weeks ago

Ive done the "Dark Side of Oz".  It works with the dvd and cd...  you start the cd right after the MGM  lions for the third time.  You will know if you are in sync if the first song reaches its peak after the last credit.  It is pretty cool to watch it.  It seems like Pink Floyd did it on purpose, but they deny it!

Another little piece of trivia.. if you do it with the vinyl album... side A ends right when the film goes from Black and White to color!!

#3 Re: The Garden » How many of you have had your wisdom teeth cut out? » 869 weeks ago

I am a member of the ALL 4 AT ONCE CLUB!  All 4 were impacted and I had to be put out!  They wanted to do 2 then 2 later, but I said that if you only do 2, I am never coming back for the others!!  9 days on Codine and drinking malts... Ugh!! Never want to go through that again...! 

I was 16 when the surgery was done by the way!

#4 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 874 weeks ago

Neemo wrote:
data11235 wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

My husband threw away a perfectly good shopvac WTF!!!!! 4  So it was icky inside.  He says because of that and for room 10   we aren't made of money to just go and get a new one when/if we get another flood. 17

Next time you get a flood.. Buy him a mop and say "Here ya go!!"

What really pisses me off... calling for Chinese food and have to say your order over and over again, because they DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH!!  Then when you get it, it is still wrong!!! 4

Then dont order "chinese" food 16 tongue

But the EGG FOO YOUNG is so yummy!!  10

#5 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 874 weeks ago

DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

My husband threw away a perfectly good shopvac WTF!!!!! 4  So it was icky inside.  He says because of that and for room 10   we aren't made of money to just go and get a new one when/if we get another flood. 17

Next time you get a flood.. Buy him a mop and say "Here ya go!!"

What really pisses me off... calling for Chinese food and have to say your order over and over again, because they DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH!!  Then when you get it, it is still wrong!!! 4

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