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#1 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » Gilby & Tracii Guns Perform @ Guitar Players Ball » 869 weeks ago

bigbri wrote:

Anyone who plays with Tracii Guns nowadays is a fucking dipshit. He's a lowlife, opportunistic fuck face.

There are more than a few people that would agree with you but there are a lot of people that would say the opposite.  Tracii hasn't always made the right choices (understatement) but he kept LA Guns going throughout the 1990s when there was little or no demand for the band or it's style of play.  His major mistake IMO, which was hard to call a mistake at the time, was leaving LA Guns for Brides Of Destruction right after the release of LA Guns' "Waking The Dead", which was arguably their best album.  There was a tour set up with Alice Cooper in Europe and with the strength of the album and tour I think the band could have been in a better situation today than either version is right now.  BoD had a lot of short term success but after Nikki Sixx bailed to do Motley Crue again the band fizzled and that situation kind of left Tracii with no where to go since he'd burned his bridges with LA Guns.  Anyway, enough rambling.  Tracii's always been cool to me, as has Stacey Blades (Tracii's replacement in LA Guns) so live and let live for now.

#2 Re: The Garden » The NFL 2007-08 Season thread » 869 weeks ago

Dungy is staying in Indy for another year.  I hope Favre stays in Green Bay for another season or two as well.  On the flip side, I can't believe that Brian Billick hasn't been named as a candidate for any coaching jobs.  I think he'd be a good candidate for either the job in Washington (which it appears Greg Williams won't get now) or Atlanta.  Miami could also be a good spot for him.  I think Billick working with/for Parcells could be a very powerful combination.

#4 Re: The Garden » GNR Evolution "Predict the Super Bowl" contest » 869 weeks ago

Patriots - 27
Giants - 23

MVP: Jabar Gaffney (NE WR, #10)

#5 Re: The Garden » The NFL 2007-08 Season thread » 869 weeks ago

It wouldn't suprise me to see Favre retire but it would disappoint me.  I don't know that he'll have the kind of success next year that he had this past season but if I'm in his shoes I'm looking at the fact that the team is young and will be a year older and more experienced next year so they should be better and the fact that their business was left unfinished tonight.  I know he's a competitor at heart and this will eat at him, especially because of his performance.  I'd say give it another year, if he comes up short again or it ends with a bad season then move on.  Going out losing like that isn't the way he wants to go.  I'll assume he'll just assess his health and family situation and then make the decision on those factor as much as the team dynamic.  Aaron Rodgers can wait another year.  The Packers investment in him is long term and everybody close to the situation understands that. 

#6 Re: The Garden » The NFL 2007-08 Season thread » 869 weeks ago

The Packers were way too conservative on offense and allowed the Giants to stay in the game.  The Giants CBs were banged up and should have been tested a lot more than they were.  Also Ryan Grant should have been given more opportunities to establish their running game.  They went for short yardage and lateral passes way too much.

#7 Re: The Garden » The NFL 2007-08 Season thread » 869 weeks ago

nugdafied wrote:

Alrite then, looks like it's going to be a freezing day of football to get to see who plays in the Super Bowl. Even though I'm a Bears fan, I do hope the Packers make it. It's pretty hard to root against Brett Farve. He's the guy everyone would want as their QB. The guy is a warrior.

Also, I know CC will be interested to know, they just said Buffalo will be playing a regular season game in Toronto next season.

The NFL should expand into Toronto and Los Angeles.  They're both great football markets.  The trouble with any more expansion though is that Paul Taglibue said once the league reaches 32 teams that there would be no more expansion so it would take some monumental efforts by a couple of cities at the same time to get the owners and the new commissioner to relent.

BTW I'm a Steelers fan but Brett Favre might be my favorite player of all time.  I'd say the Packers are my 3rd or 4th favorite so it's not so bad.

#8 Re: The Garden » What happens when you drink a Coke » 870 weeks ago

I've been hooked on Coca-Cola for about 10 years now and of all the vices I've had or even tried, it's been the hardest to quit.  I love it, but I know I have to quit drinking soda altogether if I want to be healthy.

#9 Re: Management » Custom Titles - Request Them Here » 870 weeks ago

I realize I just joined but I wondered if I could get "Better Off Dead" as my custom title.  Thanks in advance.

#10 Re: The Garden » The NFL 2007-08 Season thread » 870 weeks ago

Jameslofton wrote:

McNair for insurance? Its time to put him out to pasture. He had a good run. They gotta move on.

Definitely.  He'd be used the same way as Neil O'Donnell and Kerry Collins have been used by the Titans over the years.  McNair is probably still a servicable spot starter and as a Super Bowl experienced back up, he can teach Troy Smith a lot.  McNair still has a place on the team and the league but he can't start anymore, unless he went someplace like Atlanta where the Falcons are one step away from holding open tryouts for QB.

BTW, did anyone else think that Billy Volek's post game interview sound byte was bad ass or what?  He said:  "It's just a game, everybody acts like it's something important." or something along those lines. 

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