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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak » 840 weeks ago

this monster is all Bucket, Axl, Brain, and finck, no fortus, no way and it rocks...........

hey /////////////////////////////////// you're finished...........................:buckethead:

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » End Of Days/OMG Question » 840 weeks ago

Yes it does appear during the movie and during the credits....

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Song #2 (Prostitute) is the biggest gun of all IMO » 840 weeks ago

you people have no clue about this tune. it's fucking magnificent! stop bitching and hoping for an afd remake. these new tunes kill afd...:rock:

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Song #2 (Unknown Title) » 848 weeks ago

hey, i see there is a lot of excitement at /////' news: hookers n blow dates!!!! 8 newies, charlie....

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » What the hell is going on at MYGNR.Com? 9 new leaks?! » 848 weeks ago

Communist China wrote:

ibelieveinaxl, you got the tracks to back it up?

of course i do. "Ain't it fun?"

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » What the hell is going on at MYGNR.Com? 9 new leaks?! » 848 weeks ago

its 100% true. if its not, just ban me. and it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hope you like em ///////////

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Let the reunion rumors roll... » 849 weeks ago

The only reason Irving signed gnr was to promote the original line up, period. Plus, just look at who left and who remains in the band now. Robin is out, frank and ron are temperary and expendable, tommy wants out, fortus os doing plenty of other things, i wont even talk about chris or dizzy and now VR is dead. The reunion is happening whether you like it or not...

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question? » 850 weeks ago

Backslash wrote:
ibelieveinaxl wrote:

I really hope he is still in the band, but come on people, think about it rationally. Why would he leave the band and join another huge band if gnr were about to do something big like tour and/or release an album. it makes no sense at all to say he is just taking a leave of absence. plus, if he was still in, why wouldnt the camp just say he is taking a breather? because he isnt. the guy got fed up and left. its really that simple. and for those that try to cover it up (i.e. /backslash) it a joke. its pretty condescending also. how dumb do some people think the average gnr fan is? its also pathetic the way some speak to the masses that has nothing to do with the band and comes off as though he is in the band. again, i hope robin is still in, but common sense must lead one to only one sensible conclusion that he has left.

Hey, what did I do?

Hey, man! I wasn't referrring to you, but I love your screen name. LMAO! It's some lame as dude who thinks he IS GNR and can speak for them. But again, i'm his biggest fan!

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Robin back in NIN. Temp or not is the question? » 850 weeks ago

I really hope he is still in the band, but come on people, think about it rationally. Why would he leave the band and join another huge band if gnr were about to do something big like tour and/or release an album. it makes no sense at all to say he is just taking a leave of absence. plus, if he was still in, why wouldnt the camp just say he is taking a breather? because he isnt. the guy got fed up and left. its really that simple. and for those that try to cover it up (i.e. /backslash) it a joke. its pretty condescending also. how dumb do some people think the average gnr fan is? its also pathetic the way some speak to the masses that has nothing to do with the band and comes off as though he is in the band. again, i hope robin is still in, but common sense must lead one to only one sensible conclusion that he has left.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose reality show proposed » 858 weeks ago

Backslash wrote:
CrimeSlunkScene wrote:

This story isn't true.


Thank you.

How does Jarmo know?  Seriously... just because it isn't confirmed by GNR, doesn't mean no one's looking to get a reality show with Axl.  The story doesn't say anywhere that a reality show is definitely happening...

you are exactly right. why do people think //// has all the answers? he doesnt. lets stick to info straight from the band and not from somebody who thinks he is in the band...

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