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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Do you believe CD will come out in 08? » 836 weeks ago

Until the end of September I choose to believe, but after then, no....

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » SR's leak plausibility and potential timeframe (informed speculation) » 841 weeks ago

Dark Nemus is correct, the GAME comes out on September 16th (it ships on the 14th).
The Special Edition, thatis the bundle with the guitar, microphone, drums, and game comes out in October.

The game will come out on time.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » More leaks soon? » 842 weeks ago

So what exactly was supposed to happen? Where did the 24-hour thing come from?

Regardless, I hate the whole hoarder elitist attitude. Even though it's more dramatic, it's llike being in the middle of the desert and you begging someone else for a drink of water because you're about to die, but they withhold the water because it makes them feel special...

Doesn't make sense to me...

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » More leaks soon? » 842 weeks ago

what's this "closing in on you" thing you speak of?

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » More leaks soon? » 842 weeks ago

russtcb wrote:

Am I the only one that thinks leakers should just get on with the leaking? Is it really necessary to have all this "would be James Bond" stuff out in the open?

No you're not. I feel the same way.

I mean I understand the hoarder mentality, but when the situation like we are now, why not just let it all go?

It's quite simple. Drive 20 miles away, log-on at a random computer, use a proxy from Africa, leak the shit.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » More leaks soon? » 842 weeks ago

P.S. I'd do un-natural things and horrific things for an updated "Oh My God" with Buckethead.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » More leaks soon? » 842 weeks ago

I just want to say that people who bullshit just to get a rise out of people are spot on assholes.

I really hope that you aren't one of them. If you are, be a man and admit it and apologize.

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » More leaks soon? » 842 weeks ago

Axlin08 wrote:

I'm expecting something in-between Oh My God & Chinese Democracy with Shackler's Revenge.

I'm thinking "Oh My God" and "Better" with Brain and Bucket doing what they do best.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » More leaks soon? » 842 weeks ago


The only track that I would call "filler" would be IRS.
But do you call Think About You, Anything Goes, You're Crazy, etc. filler on Appetite? Just because it's not Jungle, Paradise, Nightrain, or Rocket Queen doesn't mean it's bad you know?

And for the record I think There Was A Time, The Blues, and Madagascar are insanely good tracks. Big guns if you want to use that monkier. Better is definitely very good as well.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » More leaks soon? » 842 weeks ago

James Lofton wrote:

What in the hell is that supposed to mean?

Settle down there Jimmy Jims, I meant it in a good way. You listen to a lot of different music and like you said a page ago, you weren't really as bothered about it because you have other stuff to listen to which helps pass the time.

misterID wrote:

Wait, you heard Shackler's Revenge??!

No, I meant the title itself. There's been like tons of pages of discussion about the title itself and the fact that it was a Buckethead song.

People are very excited about the song just because of the title.

The point is, just because we've heard a good chunk of the material, doesn't mean that there isn't mystery left.

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