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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » MSL's GnRSource interview transcript » 839 weeks ago

Saikin wrote:

I never knew that Beta's son was the original source of so many leaks.  I wonder if she bitched to him for over 2 hours as well about Slash. 16

And who gave them to him?  Maybe Axl could even be considered the original "leaker."  16

CD has essentially become a series of private recordings made for the amusement of his circle of friends.  And.. "hey, just for shits n' giggles, why don't you sing on a couple?"  Because in 2008, Sebastian Bach isn't exactly most people's first choice for guest vocals on a major mainstream release.  No offense to him and his fans.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak » 840 weeks ago

Other than the title track, this is the only other new song that I actually felt compelled to listen to twice. 

And then I listened to it a third time.

There is hope, after all.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Song #2 (Unknown Title) » 847 weeks ago

dave-gnfnr2k wrote:

why scrap those,, they sound much better than the first batch

Depends on how anal you are, I suppose.

But if you take a 192k mp3 and save it as a 320k mp3 after you've screwed around with it, then naturally it's going to be degraded somewhat.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Song #2 (Unknown Title) » 847 weeks ago

bigbri wrote:

Where did Message For You come from? I downloaded the new rips, and the song is named that? Is this a rumored title or something I missed? And what' with If the War? Did someone with absolutely no GNR knowledge do these?

Sounds like you downloaded the ones that were "remastered" and renamed by someone, not the originals.  Scrap those.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose » 870 weeks ago

Not to nitpick, but Bill Hicks died in early '94 so the actual quote is a few years older tongue

Anywho, as with anything moderation is key.  For instance, Aerosmith will even admit their best records were very much fueled and/or inspired by drug use, but it's when they started doing way too much way too often that it all fell apart.

So, yes, drugs can help creativity.  And drugs can hurt.

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