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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Are The Leaks What Will Be On CD » 826 weeks ago

ironfin wrote:

Are the leaks actually from the finished album or are they old demos? I really hope they are old Demos cause they are fucking shit.

The Vocal on This I love is fucking terrible. This surely cannot be a finished album version.

The guitar solo's on Sorry & This I love sound like a 15 year old doing a stupid amount of bends because they lack the imagination or talent to do anything else.

I really hope that they are old demos...

Sorry rocks yes but what the fuck is going on with that Frank Zappa line - sounds out of place.

Prostitute is fucking brilliant as is Twat & CD but other than Chinese Democracy I think his voice is fucked. It sounds forced. The chorus in Chicken Dinner sounds like Bon Jovi.

What does everyone think - are these leaks final versions? If they are I think this album will crash and burn.

This is what happens when no one will tell you what they actually think of your ideas and are to afraid to critisize cause they need to earn cash.

(I really hope this album is a masterpiece and hugely successful but I think we have to face the truth)

Its really frustrating listning to this album...because parts are brilliant - if only he had a good producer who would stand up to him.

Take IRS for example there is some kind of hammond organ which sounds cool as fuck but then too quiet then it just dissapears. He should have been braver - less distroted guitars and piano and more synth organ and sound effects. The drums could do with a lot mroe reverb especially on the last part of Sorry - which is fuckin awsome but why is the bridge at the end of the last chorus and only played once - tis the best part of the song. 

But my initial assesment was too harsh. The guitar solo on Sorry is quite immense. I guess I prefer his Its So Easy / Chinese Democracy voice to the others. If only he had sang This I love with the gentle patience voice.

Oh well bring on the next album! Can't wait for it and Axl if you read these messages then please be more experimental - take citr there is some awesome synths on. Be brave less distorted guitars except where the track kicks in!!! But what do I know... fuck all I haven't sold any records....

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Are The Leaks What Will Be On CD » 827 weeks ago

jimb0 wrote:

I love the singing on this I love.  I don't know what you expect, 1990/1991 Axl?  Not going to happen.  I like his sparing rasp.  Have you ever heard the Big Daddy SCOM?  Doesn't work well.  Then again I don't really care about opinions, because I love it.

Fair enough! I guess I did expect 90/91 vocals and we do get them on Chinese Democracy. I also hoped we might hear the Estranged voice again and the Patience voice to as I think they were his finest.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Are The Leaks What Will Be On CD » 827 weeks ago

Saikin wrote:

Let me rephrase:

Since you dislike the solo on Sorry, i'm assuming you dislike just about all of Slash's work.

Since you expressed your dislike for the vocals on This I love, i'm assuming you only like about 5% of what Axl has done in the past.

Now, i posed a couple of questions to you that you refused to answer and instead complained about my terminology.  I was trying to discuss your post. 

I do think these are the final versions.

I like about 80% of what Axl has done in the past. The vocal at the start of this I Love is like nothing he has done before and I think his voice is fucked. If this is indeed the final versions I bet most reviewers and the general public will agree when they hear some of the vocals on this album. I am being subjective.

I liked all of Slash's work on Appetite & Lies and about 80% of it on UYI. Wasn't so keen on VR or his solo work. He does not play on Sorry so by disliking the solo why would I dislike Slash's work? Before you ask I don't hate 95% of tree's just because the guitar that was used in the sorry solo was made from wood.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Are The Leaks What Will Be On CD » 827 weeks ago

BLS-Pride wrote:

Yeah I heard it. I thought it was good. Fit the song. I really like the extended singing for the part when he sings "In my Heart" and at the end "I'll never say goodbye." Really a moving song for me at least.

Its the vocals at the start that are worst. They are really really bad.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Are The Leaks What Will Be On CD » 827 weeks ago

Saikin wrote:

I didn't read your whole post.  I'm sorry, but i stopped after you bashed the guitar solo on Sorry. 

Since you hate that solo, i'm assuming you hate just about every solo Slash has ever done? 

And by insulting the vocals on This I Love, i'm assuming you only like about 10% of what Axl has done in the past (and even that number may be too kind).


I hate a lot of terrible things that happen around the world but I don't "hate a guitar solo"

How can it possible to "insult" a vocal? Yesterday I invited the vocal from "This I Love" round to my house and then called it names before setting fire to its shoes and calling its mother a crack whore.

As for the 10%...well your post has reminded me of why I stopped posting on GNR message boards.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Are The Leaks What Will Be On CD » 827 weeks ago

Yes but CHinese Democracy sounds great! You must admit the singing on This I love is awful

#7 Guns N' Roses » Are The Leaks What Will Be On CD » 827 weeks ago

Replies: 27

Are the leaks actually from the finished album or are they old demos? I really hope they are old Demos cause they are fucking shit.

The Vocal on This I love is fucking terrible. This surely cannot be a finished album version.

The guitar solo's on Sorry & This I love sound like a 15 year old doing a stupid amount of bends because they lack the imagination or talent to do anything else.

I really hope that they are old demos...

Sorry rocks yes but what the fuck is going on with that Frank Zappa line - sounds out of place.

Prostitute is fucking brilliant as is Twat & CD but other than Chinese Democracy I think his voice is fucked. It sounds forced. The chorus in Chicken Dinner sounds like Bon Jovi.

What does everyone think - are these leaks final versions? If they are I think this album will crash and burn.

This is what happens when no one will tell you what they actually think of your ideas and are to afraid to critisize cause they need to earn cash.

(I really hope this album is a masterpiece and hugely successful but I think we have to face the truth)

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion » 828 weeks ago

I hope that the leaks we have are old demo's. Axl's voice is terrible on some of them and soe of the solo's sound like a 15 year old learning blues solo's.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS* » 828 weeks ago

Somone please PM me with notes and the tunes I am desperate!!!! Thanks

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion » 828 weeks ago

Please please help me....someone be my santa claus will be forever grateful!

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