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#2 Re: The Sunset Strip » Hulk Hogan(!) wanted to join Metallica » 776 weeks ago

I guess we would've gotten the movie "SOME KIND OF HULKSTER" instead if that had happened.

#3 Re: The Sunset Strip » Paranormal Activity » 777 weeks ago

If you guys wanna see a movie done right, check out REC (remade by the American folks as Quarantine):

#4 Re: The Garden » ‘Humbled’ Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize » 780 weeks ago

Communist China wrote:

While you'd have to ask the pioneer of this theory, Ronald Reagan, for the complete answer, I think anyone can see that people will NOT support the cutting of government programs. Everyone rallies behind reduced spending but no one wants to make any cuts. This is a Representative Democracy - the people rule.

No, we're a Republic.  Democracy is overrated anyway, the average person is quite stupid and it leads to socialism  (which is where we're headed).

#5 Re: The Garden » ‘Humbled’ Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize » 780 weeks ago

Communist China wrote:

Financially, I agree, but Obama proposes new programs for Americans while the Bush administration raised spending without aiding the people.

I don't see how printing out trillions of dollars and making our currency worthless just to take care of the people is good for us.

#6 The Sunset Strip » More Kanye Hilarity » 781 weeks ago

Replies: 2

KANYE WEST - threw a hissy fit at benefit show organized by Common. “After spotting a man eating chicken, West blurted, ‘Why wasn’t I offered chicken? You want me to perform for free, [and] everyone is eating… why am I not eating?’ When the waitress explained that he never asked for food, ‘He yelled, ‘Well, I’m asking now!’ After receiving chicken, he allegedly proceeded to take a bite and then throw the rest in the trash.”


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