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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Izzy » 827 weeks ago

Got an update from my brother.  He actually uses the same cleaning lady as Izzy, so he asked about him leaving.  It is fair to point out that my brother is about as cool as rainbow suspenders and doesn't give a rat's ass about GNR.   Hell, for two years he only occasionally mentioned how he had some "weirdo" musician neighbor.  It wasn't until I was up there for a week that I realized it was Izzy.  Anyway, he asked the cleaning woman if the "weirdo" was moving out and she said he was "going back to work with his old music group."

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Izzy » 827 weeks ago

Yeah, I don't know what to make of it either.  It just seems kind of wacky timing with Robin being MIA and people rambling on about Bucket coming back or Tobias or whoever the hell is in the mix from day to day.  I just always thought Izzy was planted in Ind. and not going anywhere.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Izzy » 827 weeks ago

My brother didn't mention anything about the house being for sale.  He just said they were packing and moving everything out.  I don't know if he's keeping it or what.

#4 Guns N' Roses » Izzy » 827 weeks ago

Replies: 112

Just tried posting to HTGTH and they promptly deleted the thread, so thought I'd bring it over here...

My brother lives two doors down from Stradlin.  A moving company has been there over the last couple of days packing and loading up his place.  Stradlin isn't there himself.  My brother asked him where they were headed and they told him L.A.

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