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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread » 822 weeks ago

I agree,totally dilutes the impact of Axl talking to the fans.What started off as something great is in danger of becoming just another press junket "no questions about this" style interview.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Questions for Axl if he visits GN'R Evolution » 822 weeks ago

A a lot of these songs have been a decade in the making,and obviously some of them contain some anger and  resentment,but are they a true reflection of where you are in your life at the moment? A lot of people seem to be willing the album and you to fail but remember there are many of us who are grateful for the joy you have  brought to our lives.
Love the album
Fuck the naysayers
Sorry for them
Not Sorry for you

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread » 822 weeks ago

It was magnificent of Axl to chat with the fans this way.Regarding not doing interviews and "promotion" any real fan of his should know by now that this is a guy who does what he wants how he wants when he wants and if you can't suck it up,go follow some other band.

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