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#1 Re: The Garden » Hit my girlfriend...might go to jail. » 823 weeks ago

Axlin08 wrote:

Very nice. Spent it with loved ones, and potential loved ones, haha. wink

Hope yours was nice as well.

Mine was great!
Not a whole lot of people, but that's never a problem, in my opinion.
I got everything I asked for, so I am content, lol.

Wait, wait.
I take that back.
I did not get a crossbow.
Maybe next year, though! [:


#2 Re: The Garden » Hit my girlfriend...might go to jail. » 823 weeks ago

Axlin08 wrote:

Me not onderstand.

I don't find your posts too crude at all. Merry Christmas, and welcome. I guess I should've said that from the beginning. 22

Lmao, you're awesome.
Merry Christmas to you too.
How was your Christmas, btw?

strat0 wrote:

No! I like your posts because they are truthful and remind me quite a bit of my friends.

Thank you, thank you.
I do what I can. [:

Maybe I should go and look at some other threads one day.
Lol, this is the only one I've even bothered with.

#3 Re: The Garden » Hit my girlfriend...might go to jail. » 823 weeks ago

Axlin08 wrote:

Name calling = minion?

It was a joke. You need to smoke something and lighten up.

Yes, name calling = minion.
You didn't know that? o_O

Okayokay, let me break it down for you.
You're a minion.
You're an asshole.
You're a doll.

^ All examples of name calling.

And, that's your English lesson for today!

strat0 wrote:

Jexxy I'm starting to love your posts, ya know that?

Lol, why is that?
I hope you all don't find my posts to be too crude because that's not how they're intended.
I'm just honest and outspoken, unfortunately.

I hope you all get everything you want this year, whatever that may be.


PS - I would gladly smoke something to "lighten up" if it were readily available, Mr. Axlin08.
However, I'm always at work whenever I'm online, so... Yeah.

#4 Re: The Garden » Hit my girlfriend...might go to jail. » 823 weeks ago

Axlin08 wrote:

I know. That's why I grow it myself. And don't charge.

Oh, in that case..
How you doin'? [:

Wait, wait..
You called me a minion.
I almost forgot. ]:

Axlin08 wrote:

Best discussion?

This thread is bizarre. Jexy seems like a 'minion' of yours.

You know, that almost insults me.
I don't appreciate being called a minion.
I don't understand why you would even call me that to begin with.
Because I'm new, and this just so happened to be the first thread that caught my eye?
Not very nice, Mr. Axlin08.

Or maybe..
Just, maybe..
You're upset that I called you out on that disgusting narking habit of yours.
Either way, I don't think name calling is necessary.

Rex wrote:

Maybe I should post more pranks.  This is the best discussion I've seen in weeks!

Your mom should post more pranks.
Your mom is the best discussion I've seen in weeks.

monkeychow wrote:
Neemo wrote:

it is a joke monkey

Damn crazy young people humour 4 big_smile16

Awe, Mr. Monkeychow..
I was just teasing, dear.
I don't think LSMotors deserves your friendship. [:
Your innocence has become apparent.
You're far too kind to befriend that monster of a human!

Lololjkjk, Mr. LSMotors, sir.
<3 ilu.
(Even though he'll probably never post again on this forum.)

gnfnraxl wrote:

Today my wife and I just found out that her best friend's boyfriend is/was beating her.  That's so low class and I am wondering if I should teach this guy a lesson or 2.

Are you ready for my wonderous advice, Mr. Gnfnrax? [:
Prepare yourself.
Okayokayokay, I think you shooouuulllddd..
Let her get beat.
Women that allow their counterparts to beat them obviously don't have a problem with it.
If they did, they would leave.
It's 2008. I mean, c'mon.
People who're "inlove" with eachother don't beat eachother, in my opinion.
And unless you're incredibly too old or too young to do anything, then you've no excuses.
Why would anyone, in their right mind, stay with someone who beats them, unless they don't really mind?
For the kids?
Don't make me lol.
Like I said, it's 2008.
Time for some tough love.
She'll get tired of it eventually.

That's all for now, ladies!

#5 Re: The Garden » Hit my girlfriend...might go to jail. » 823 weeks ago

Neemo wrote:
LSMotors wrote:

hahahaha funny.  Posting bullshit on a forum must make your life at midnight more interesting.  Most people your age are out with friends... this would explain why you don't have any.  Get a job, failure.

we dont insult people around here

Especially Mr. Rex.
We SO do not insult Mr. Rex.
He is going through a rough spell.
He just had to punch his girlfriend in her face for being a whore.
How would you feel, Mr. LSMotors? ]:
Would you punch ME in the face if I was making out with some asshole?
I would hope so, to be quite honest.
'Cause I'd punch you in the face if it were a reverse situation.

But, really.

I think we should all make love, not war. [:

Axlin08 wrote:

Dealers, fuck them, fuck their supply, call Crockett & Tubbs, I don't give two flying shits about them.

You're an angry individual, mister.
Go smoke something.
It's good for your health.
I would not lie.

James Lofton wrote:

Welcome to the forum Jexxyalette. What a way to introduce yourself to a community. 14

Why, thank you, Mr. James Lofton.
I do so enjoy being here.
I was referred by one of my dearest friends.
And, since you're the only person to welcome me, I hope you have a beautiful day. [:

BLS-Pride wrote:

Unless she is into that sort of thing.:haha:

Normally I would say something along the lines of, "I know my place, and that's why I am never beat. I do the laundry on time, etc.. etc.."
However, I feel it's important to inform you all that I do not condone hitting women for any reason other than self defense.
I often joke around about the beating of innocent women because I am just that sick.
But honestly, the starting post on this thread was hilarious.
It's too bad there are losers out there willing to take a joke and blow it into something unnecessary; "omfg u bete womenz!"
Get real, ladies.
It's obviously a joke.

Paxcow wrote:


I think it's funny, too.

Tommie wrote:

So is Rex in jail?

Mr. Rex is not in jail, as of now.

monkeychow wrote:

Maybe my sence of humour is too australian, but I don't really see why this thread is funny if its a joke.

Are you and LSMotors friends?
If not, you should be. [:
I have his number if you want it.

Anyway, that's all from me for now!


#6 Re: The Garden » Hit my girlfriend...might go to jail. » 823 weeks ago

LSMotors wrote:

hahahaha funny.  Posting bullshit on a forum must make your life at midnight more interesting.  Most people your age are out with friends... this would explain why you don't have any.  Get a job, failure.

Hi, LSMotors.
Let's try to not be a dick, 'kay? [:
You're so cute when you're not typing.


#9 Re: The Garden » Hit my girlfriend...might go to jail. » 823 weeks ago

Axlin08 wrote:

All because I threaten to call the cops when I discovered she was a dealer.

People who call the police on people for drug-related issues are pieces of shit, really.

If I were to disagree with the fact that someone in my presence was without a doubt selling illegal substances, then I would ask them to remove themselves from the vicinity in which I occupied.

However, I don't disagree with street pharmacists, so this would never have been an issue.

No, but really, you've got to give people the opportunity to fuck up their own lives.

If you wanted to be a dick, and it's apparent that is what you were aiming for, you could've done something fucked up like remove a headlight from her vehicle and then sent her on her way.

That would've been mean.

And funnier.

I understand this isn't a thread about tattle-tales, but I though I would offer my own bit of sentiment. [:


PS - Should've hit her harder, Mr. Rex.  Should've hit her hard. -_-;

#10 Re: The Garden » Hit my girlfriend...might go to jail. » 823 weeks ago

Hi, hi.
This is my first time posting on anything.
So, let's everyone be sweet to Jessikuh, 'kay? [:

Personally, Mr. Rex, I don't think you hit her hard enough.
I find that if you strike a woman more than once she is less likely to make the same mistakes again.
However, this may, in fact, cause some trouble with the law, but it is well worth it.
At this point you have to add up the pros and cons of situations such as these.
Do you really want to live knowing you've possibly allowed that female to go on living her life with the disillusion that cheating is okay?
The answer to that question: No.
So, my advice to you is...
Hit her harder and more frequently.
Perhaps if you were hitting her enough to begin with, she would have never cheated on you in the first place.
If she threatens to call the cops, hit her again.
Everything, my friends, can be solved with violence.

Now, I bid you all a good day! <3

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