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#1 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 820 weeks ago

monkeychow wrote:

The way i see it was RF was making a the rant thread...he was sharing his a wound up way which is afterall kind of the idea here...Dr Love took he took RF's comments personally. He was in a bad mood...and reacted badly....james called him on  it.....he was still pissed and took that badly too. RF started trying to annoy him more. Everyone else (including me) chimed in on forum politics. Now it's snowballed out of control

You are exactly right. Flagg said smething that offended me, so I went after him. Was it right of me? Absolutely not. Am I going to admit I was wrong? Absolutely not. Maybe my "gutter tactics", as Lofton put it, weren't the best way, but I felt that Flagg had said something out of line and needed to be called on it. Even if his comments weren't directed at anyone in particular, they were still offensive to me. I've seen something very similar happen before on a different forum. Someone was complaining about police when it got out of hand. In bitching, they started using more personal insults against police, while two of the members on the board were officers. You can imagine how that could have spun out of control. It's kind of the same thing here. Yes, it's one thing to rant, in a "rant thread" at that, but by calling teachers things like "pieces of shit", I think that's a little more than just ranting.

What pissed me off the most is that everyone stoned me, and me alone, for it. I'm not telling anyone how to do their jobs here, but I think Lofton saying something as simple as "in no way was Flagg right, but there's no need for your languate" could have made this thing turn out completely differently. With the exception of Bono, I litereally had no one on my side in this one.... even when Flagg was trying to egg me on again. Neemo, sic, and BLS jumping in made me even more mad.. and their reasoning of "we're management, what happens on this site concerns us" was really just overkill. Obviously Lofton had it under control because I got banned.

So... I apologize, and now I'll just wait on my main handle to get it's ban lifted.

#2 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 820 weeks ago

Randall Flagg wrote:

Tell your fiance I said hi and I hope she had a great christmas break and has an even better summer vacation!

Yeah, I get what you're doing. You're making reference to all of the breaks teachers get, just like you did earlier.

#3 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 820 weeks ago

BLS-Pride wrote:

How hard is it to understand tht you were temp banned for calling someone a cock sucker.

How hard is it to understand that I wasn't band for calling someone a cocksucker, but rather for questioning Lofton's management skills... which I've explained about 5 times now. Lay off the pot for a little bit, it may uncloud your thinking...

#4 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 821 weeks ago

I love how everyone and their brother had to chime in on this one. strat0, sic., Neemo, BLS-Pride.. this concerned none of you, yet you all had to come in and tell me that I'm at fault. Do me a favor, go back to kissing Lofton's ass and mind your own business. Don't worry about banning me or anything, I'm done here.

#5 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 821 weeks ago

James Lofton wrote:

You're not new. You're dr_love under a new name. The only reason you were able to sign up under this new name is because I didn't do an IP ban on your account. I simply gave you a temporary ban on your username.

There aren't any double standards. People can pretty much talk about whatever they want on this site. One of the few rules here is that you don't insult fellow members of this site. The rules can be found in the management section and the mantra link up at the top. If you are unable to respect the rules here, then this site isn't the place for you. I can recommend a few sites where you are able to insult people til you're blue in the face and you're embraced for such nonsense.

The people who come here like how this site operates. We aren't interested in becoming the next HTGTH/mygnr. If we were looking for a wider acceptance/bigger membership, I'd let you and some of the others who have registered here over the years insult people all day long like they do at the other sites. Instead of being welcomed, those types are flushed down our toilet so the normal people can continue posting in the environment they are accustomed to.

I'm not going to allow this site to go to the dogs just so you can call people here cocksuckers without any consequences.

If you think I'm "abusing my power" because I try to shield members of this site from being bombarded with insults, then you're either gonna have to get used to power being abused or move on.

I know how temp bans vs IP bans work. I used to be a mod on a different site. As a mod I also knew that you couldn't ban only one out of two guilty people. Even tho Flaggs remarks weren't directed at anyone on the site personally, they were still very offensive, which made him just as guilty. Also as a mod I never banned anyone for calling me out as a mod. I have banned people for threats, and general inappropriate behavior towards myself, but not for questioning me or trying to tell me how to moderate. And the site I was a mod on was MUCH MUCH bigger than this one, one of the biggest music boards on the web.

#6 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 821 weeks ago

strat0 wrote:

And I see no problem with what James did. Doc I think you took it a bit personal. Yes Teachers aren't all crap, but you didn't have to fly off like that.

What if I said a bunch of derogatory remarks about a religious group? Any member on the site of that group could take it personally, even though I wasn't aiming the remarks at them, lash out at me, and no one would say a negative word to them about it. How is this any different? And the doc didn't get banned for flying off at Flagg, he clearly got banned for questioning Lofton's management abilities.

#7 Re: The Garden » The Rant Thread » 821 weeks ago

James Lofton wrote:

You might have a point if a teacher was in this thread and Flagg called them a piece of shit. He was "ranting" about teachers, not insulting someone who posts here.

I'm new here, but there seems to be quite a set of double standards on this site. You can't talk bad about anyone who posts here, but anyone in the outside world is fair game? It seems like dr_love got upset because someone was talking nothing better than foul about teachers as a whole, which his fiance appears to be. You can't judge a group as a whole because of a few isolated individuals. In this case, one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole damn bunch. If you meet a hispanic person you don't like, does that give you the right to hate every latino? No, it doesn't. So if someone calls teachers "pieces of shit", someone who is involved with a teacher can take that very personally. And by your logic, if someone close to a teacher takes posts like that personally and retaliates, couldn't you say they're also just "ranting"?

Another thing. I've never seen a forum member get banned for questioning an admin's management skills. That's all it appears that he did. He didn't say anything inappropriate to you. Yes, he did swear, but in context, not even at you. I think you should lift his ban and apologize to him out in the open because it basically looks like you just greatly abused your power.

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