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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Theory Or the Unspoken Truth?: Robin didn't leave the band amicably. » 808 weeks ago

downliner wrote:

The "- Otis Western" account is now banned.

Use your other account "Otis Western-". I'd appreciate you explaining (in the Management section) the need to continually open new accounts when previous accounts are still open for you to use?

You have seven "Otis Western" aliases - see here.

You have five "BBA" aliases - see here

You also have the Incognito alias.

Pick one and use it.

I can't be fucked replying to your Robin comments again, we've all wasted enough time on you as it is.

Sorry, Nancy. Didnt mean to waste your time. I can't comment on those other accounts that you speak of, but I can say that I've registered several times (under Otis) because I've been banned several times. I thought I was banned earlier today when I could no longer post in my thread. Then I realized that the thread had just been locked. Ban as you feel necessary, bro. Whatever makes you feel empowered.  16

#2 Re: Management » Theory Or The Unspoken Truth?: Robin didn't leave the band amicably. » 808 weeks ago

AtariLegend wrote:
CrimeSlunkScene wrote:

Get lost, BBA.

Maybe... "-Otis Western-" will be a bit more fun than "Otis Western-".

By "fun", do you mean willing to ignore reality so some kiddies wont get their feathers so ruffled.

I think it's a pretty fair theory. In fact, I'd put money on it.  22

#3 Management » Theory Or The Unspoken Truth?: Robin didn't leave the band amicably. » 808 weeks ago

Otis Western-
Replies: 7

I posted this today at the guns site, mygnr. After several pages, thy gave me my walking papers. 16 We'll give it a try here.

I honestly believe that Robin either left the band un-amicably, or was fired by Axl himself. Naturally, Axl wouldn't admit to either of these things, because both accusations would only further paint him the bad guy. The media would eat it up. 'Oh look, another guitar player left the band because he couldn't stand being around Axl's ass anymore.' Or perhaps a headline that reads: 'Axl Rose fires another guitar player for not doing his bidding.' Obviously, neither headline would help Axl efforts to go out and grab some cash this summer. Instead, it looks "friendlier" if Axl just gives us that "he'll always be a member of the guns family" jive.

IMO, Robin may have been offered a higher share of royalties by Axl just to keep his mouth shut. Let's face it, you couldn't blame Robin if he took the bait. It's not like there was any real demand for him to stay, nor will there be for him to ever come back. He doesn't need Axl. He's got a successful thing going being Trent's guitar player at the moment. And like most battered women, the 'leave with whatever you can get and go' mentality most likely would apply in this case as well.

Imagine if Robin would have spoken out about his decision to leave and basically re-iterated what the alumni (Slash, Izzy, Duff, Steve) had all said. That would have been a huge blow to Axl. Especially considering the guy was hand selected and put on the payroll by Axl himself. It's damning enough that 80% of the original alumni all told the same story, 2 employees (Gilby, Matt), and countless producers and execs. But members of Axl's hand selected "inner circle"? It would pretty much seal the deal that the last 80-100 fans on this earth would have to accept what the rest of the fanbase realized many, many moons ago.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour » 808 weeks ago

Stepvhen wrote:

They are most definitely touring this year.
1. They would not have chosen to replace Robin unless they were definite that they were touring. IN FACT I'm guessing it was Azoff who pushed for a replacement for Robin so the tour could go ahead. Think when buckethead left they waited 2 years for him to come back and only replaced him when they were going out on a tour. Robin was just as big a part of Gnr they would have waited for him.

2. Sixx A.M. are not on Crue Fest this year. There must be a very good reason as to why this is the case as one third of that group is on that tour and it wouldn't take much to get the other 2 on board as they are very close with Nikki and the Crue. They are not touring because Ashba is touring with Gnr. Whats more is that the Crue Fest 2 lineup was announced about 3 weeks ago so they have known for about 3 weeks that Ashba was joining Gnr.

3. A. Metal sludge said Roxie was in the running for Fincks spot; They were right. B. Metal sludge said Ashba was most likely candidate; they were right. C. Metal sludge say Gnr will tour with Van halen this summer; they are PROBABLY right there too.

4. The press release directly mentions touring duties "expanding the tapestry of Guns N' Roses Live".

Dude, I don't think any of your reasons supported the theory that they are "definitely touring" this year.

1. Robin was not a "big part" of GNR. The dude was on the payroll. Just like all these bitches have been post 97'. Maybe he played an intricate role to a couple couple forum nerds, but I hardly consider that a "big part" of anything. The dude is gone. He sucked to begin with. Good riddance.

2. As far as Sixx A.M. - how do you know that the decision wasn't made not to tour with Crue this summer prior to DJ Assknocker's decision to play bitch for a gnr summer tour? You don't. Hardly a "definitely touring" theory.

3. Sometimes Metal Sludge is right. Sometimes they aren't. Axl may tour with VH this summer, but "probably" anything doesn't mean "definitely" anything. This is Axl Rose here. If you haven't noticed, he's king of dropping the ball and disappointing his fans.

4. 'Expanding the tapestry of GNR live' just sounds like an excuse to cash in on the name. If he wants an even remotely successful tour, he'll play AFD, Lies, UYIs. Throw in a couple Chinese tracks for piss break purposes.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » DJ Ashba First Impressions » 808 weeks ago

CrimeSlunkScene wrote:

I voted good just for the sake of it.

The show must go on.

Wow, man. Way to set that bar high. Well, I personally think I'll skip this summer joke ... er.. I mean tour,  just for the sake of it. I have no interest in seeing old dreadlocks and his dime store cover act piss all over the legacy of a once great band. 

Do the world a favor Ax, just stay poolside at that malibu mansion of yours this summer instead.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » DJ Ashba First Impressions » 808 weeks ago

Unfortunately, I couldn't vote since I didnt see a 'pathetic' option. The guy looks like a fucking loon, and from what I've seen of his playing, I'm not the least bit impressed. Way to keep pissing all over the legacy, Ax.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » 'Chinese Democracy' Officially Drops out of the Billboard Top 200 » 809 weeks ago

AtariLegend wrote:
DCK wrote:

True enough, but I can honestly say I'm not really into most of the album.

So why bother with it?

Because some people would rather complain, than make a meaningful contribution to a thread.

Dude, whatever. You don't have to say positive things about an album for a post to be meaningful. That line of thought just makes one sound weak and unable to deal with an opinion that differs from their own. Does your idea of a meaningful thread look something like this:

OP - Chinese D is awesome

Poster 1 - Yeah

Poster 2 - Yeah. Kick ass.

Poster 3 - I love it too.

Poster 4 - I agree. I'm a nerd like you guys.

Yeah. Shit like that is real interesting. It's like when some dweeb starts a happy birthday thread for one of the band members and it ballons to 8 pages with a bunch of people saying h-birthday. Sorry, but lame is a good word to describe that.

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » 'Chinese Democracy' Officially Drops out of the Billboard Top 200 » 809 weeks ago

TheMole wrote:

True enough, but I can honestly say I'm not really into most of the album.

Judging by the sales, you and I aren't alone. Quite frankly, I'm surprised the album took this long to drop out of the top 200.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Tommy in Bass Player Mag » 809 weeks ago

Why are alot of you saying Tommy really cleared alot of things up? There's really not all that much new being said here from what I can see. "People didnt want to help Axl, people couldn't him put his thoughts together, blah, blah, blah."

We now know that Tommy met Duff a few years back, and to a certain extent, he was inspired by him. Oh yea, we also know what type of bass he used on the album. I hardly consider any of this as being much of a revelation. JMO.

#10 Re: Management » Is This Place The Most "Macho" GNR Forum Ever? » 809 weeks ago

Then again, if one of the reasons you signed up here was to talk to chicks, that's a pretty good indication of your desperation level.

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