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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl's vocal range » 803 weeks ago

Olorin wrote:

That was pretty good reading along with the little article down the side. I  think some 2002 performances have Axl screaming, hitting high notes similar to the VMA 06 scream. Isnt the "Thats what I'd tell ya" at the end of Street Of Dreams as high?

Most of the highest notes on CD are G#5. That high note at the 2006 VMA is a sharp g#5, very close to a#5.

Neemo wrote:

well in terms of a guitar an octave is every 12 the top string is an E5 note and then on the 12th fret i beleive that that note is an E4...could be wrong though my theory isnt that great....all i know is that E5 is the root note in standard tuning and the rest of the strings are A5,D5, G5, B5, E4 (?)
and a normal guitar doesnt reach 4 octaves cuz there are 22 frets but richards 24 fret LP thingy does...

GNR's normal tuning is one step flat starting at Eb5 (or F#5) ... whatever ... same difference 10

anyway i think i'm right...maybe someone who knows what they are talking about can tell me if i'm wrong or not big_smile

Check here:

#2 Guns N' Roses » Axl's vocal range » 803 weeks ago

Replies: 17

Hello everyone! I'm not very frequent here but I thought this was worth posting... In the last two months I was helping in a research about Axl's vocal range. Last week we found the note needed to induct Axl as a four octave and jowox - an YouTube user that makes videos about vocals - just uploaded the video on Axl.

Check it out:

Please rate it 5 stars so that we get this video popular and rub it against the face of those who say Axl has lost his voice.

P.S.: I'm posting this here so that everyone can see it and raise the view count. If the mods feel like moving it/merging it later to the proper place, that's ok, but just leave it here for a while!

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Is Eminem even an option? » 808 weeks ago

BLS-Pride wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Eminem is the Axl Rose of rap. If no one sees that, I don't know what to say. Very very similar lives and attitudes in the music business.

Hell even Em acknowledged it by parodying Axl on the MTV Movie Awards.

Both mid-westerns with bad back rounds with family and social problems. Both have that don't give a fuck attitude and problems with women. Bot in their primes were magnets for controversy. The list goes on. As you said they are both real similar.

Agreed. Someone has even made an article years ago somewhere in the press (I lost the link but it must not be hard to google it) in-depth comparing both.

But a tour... nah, that's unlikely to happen.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » "I'm playing the new songs, Frank the old ones" » 808 weeks ago

I like Brain better, but that's just because I think he's fun. Frank, I know not much about him, I'm in debt of researching about the guy.

I know little about their skills, seems both are equally good in different ways and so if they want to go both on tour, why not?

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Is the Van Halen tour a lesson to Axl? » 808 weeks ago

No one can make Axl do anything. No one can convince him of anything. No clear and practical example will make him change his mind. And he gives a shit about the profits or pleasing fans. Besides, he does always the opposite of what everyone demands (we better shut our mouths then).

Put the happy-puppy-savage-animal Baz and the wonder-worker Azoff to be around Axl and we'll see things happening in GnR world.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » What were you rocking from '94-00? » 808 weeks ago

I can't even list it. Too huge of a list. I remember having videotapes recorded from MTV with more than 3000 videos of more than 300 bands. I'd watch all that stuff frequently.
I guess it takes a lot of bands to fill in GnR shoes. When I have Guns, I need nothing else.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » DJ Ashba First Impressions » 808 weeks ago

faldor wrote:

I'll say one thing, I think whoever runs DJ's website should take over GNR's.  He's already got a section devoted to GNR on there.  Tour dates TBA. 

He's listed as an official member of the band now, but Brain isn't on there.  Isn't he supposedly back?  Why not list him?

It's DJ himself who runs the website. Ashbamedia is his company. He's also done Sixx:AM's site, James Michael's site, Sony Playstation's site and many others. I also vote him to do the GnR site, that thing up there is shit, not a real website.

Anyway, I voted good. I was indifferent when it was just a rumor about him auditioning, but I liked his stuff, mostly his site and the way I found out he relates very closely to the fans. Then when he was confirmed in the band I just had to dive deep into his music (going back to his first bands and all) to understand why Axl had no doubt of hiring him. For what you hear in Sixx:AM's album, and in Beautiful Creatures, and back in Ashba, the solo project, it gets obvious why he's the perfect pick. Besides being a great Slash-style guitarist and overall talented musician and compositor, he's one that likes to push himself further, and we know Axl looks for this kind of people.

I'm all for him now and I dare to say I would've even kicked someone out of the band if needed to get him in if I heard he was available. Axl has made a great choice.

Anyway, I'm eager to see him live and see how he works in GnR, like all of you.

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » New Bumble interview » 808 weeks ago

I love Ron's talks, he's an awesome guy.

My favorite quote:

"GnR makes its own rules, it does its own thing how it wants when it wants. And if you tell it it needs to do something, it will do the opposite just to give you the finger... To me it's the equivalent of going on a rollercoaster; you put your hands up and go, Wheeeee!"

#9 Re: The Garden » NEW MEMBERS introduce yourself here » 808 weeks ago

Hi! Helen Luna here, from Brazil.
I'm 27, married and I have a two year old daughter.
I like GnR since 1992, know them since 1988, been a fan since 1993.
Took a break from the band after 1996 or so.
Came back with CD release and now I'm a die-hard fan, much better than what I was back in the days.
I love Axl in so many ways and I'm thankful for what his music has helped me thru my life. I embrace Axl's GnR vision fully, I'm all for CD and the new band members. Love all of them.
I'm already at the other forums and came to this because I was looking for info on performers of specific songs, and found out you have a pretty organized database here. Thumbs up for ya!
Nice to meet you all!

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