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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 792 weeks ago

James Lofton wrote:

blablabla wankwankwank.

since dumbasses need a reply and democracy demands freedom of speech without censoring and 'banning'....beware for long post feggits, i has a few hours off being borededed :B

1. imsorrys 'contributions' are direct copies from me, dumbass. they are my cleanups, remixes, remasters. proves how much u know about anything, lulz. he visits the same scene private forums i do and he just copies everyones mixes, including non-gnr stuff of others (that site is about all bands), labels them differently so it cant get tracked to the source and posts them like it is his so dumbasses like you suck his cawk for pretending he did it all :B

2. you are a slashbot and slash is a mediawhore, everyone knows, why get emotional mentioning facts? anything positive said about axl is a sin on this site and must be dealt with like hitler dealt with jooz. you are the slash jarmo/ who is trying really hard to hide eeeet.

3. msl is playing a game so he can promote himself, he has all the multitracks of the album, not just 1 song and 'waiting for the other songs to be delivered so i cant post now' BS. no, he got the entire thing from a harmonix employee who wants msl to trade for stuff....felixed exactly the same deal, get it now dumbass?..  nothing is cracked, it was illegaly shared by an employee who had access. msl said himself on other forums after he got his ass ripped off for hoarding and promoting himself with it so he now tries on this slashbot site which is filled with morons obviously who actually lick his hairy anus for hoarding.

hoarding to the max to get stuff and and lying about what he got to promote himself with it is basically ok here. while mentioning someone is hoarding is a bannable criminal nazi offense, lulz. the drama yikes

i have 3 of them now too because the harmonix fegit shared with more traders and im in contact with one of them. i was gonna post the 3 today on this slash fangirl site after waiting for msl reply but awwww, banned by the slashbot no1, i care so much. dumbass jumped the gun :B

the gnr community is now left with a small group of low iq fanatics who actually defend the ones who play with them. and they seem to run the gnr sites :B i wont share for a while with the gnr community cos the community is not worth eet at the moment. next week i was gonna post a torrent to a video of a certain rehearsal even though it was gonna give me lots of sheet...was :3

4. did i mention u are the dumbass :B  totally dellusional about how the real world works concerning the biz. tapping away on internet while you know jacksheet.

5. only cowards ban people who disagree, feels like communist china, read the lyrics to the song... oh no wait you get mental when people tell u to read axl lyrics. lulz.

6. ???????????????????????

7. profit.

baibai, take off your tophat when u sleep though, it ruins your mullet which seems to kill your braincells :3

the L

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