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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 790 weeks ago

apologies Gagarin, I didn't read your reply-peace?

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 790 weeks ago

Gagarin,in regards to your post (that someone should mail a leak in with a note attatched ,in seven days this will leak) is a very immature
threat that will lead someone into trouble. Not to mention it sounds a bit like blackmail, juvenille blackmail. Do you honestly want to open your gates with a fuckin' threat? (which is all this amounts to)
personally I find your entire post ludicrous, not all of them-just this one.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Does Axl Still Smoke? » 790 weeks ago

He was taking (or toking smile ) drags off of what appeared to be a joint at the cuckoo club gig-smelled like it too. But several people in the small audience were ahem; partaking discretely as well.

He's been off cigs for a good while now and smokes the occasional cigar, and apparantly still has a fondness for 4:20, not a bad thing.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news? » 790 weeks ago

No,absolutely correct but Bucket isn't in the band anymore.Trying to compare Bucket's and Ron's styles are  like apples and oranges.
I think Ron's contributions have added to CD in many ways,and his   personality (public persona) is an asset for GNR.His solos and fills are on the mark and the guy can shred,So why all the  Ron-hating?

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news? » 791 weeks ago

personally I enjoy Ron's contributions to the album,and not being facetious what's not to like? He is an awesome virtuoso in the class of satriani,vai and petrucchi.Not mentioning malmsteen, because he is a dick imo.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 791 weeks ago

Gagarin that is a 6th grade blackmail scheme,and as litigious as some are I wouldn't try it unless you are a masochist.

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Does Axl Still Smoke? » 791 weeks ago

It was a cigar,mistranslated by swedish newspapers.Cigarettes (at least tobacco ones,have been abandoned and not allowed in the house for quite some time. smile

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » DJ Ashba Live Chat » 792 weeks ago

supaplex wrote:

sometimes i wonder if they have something in their contract that stops them from giving out info? and what does that specific clause says? will they get sued for millions? i mean, couldn't soemone get into gnr, rehearse with them, see what's up and then just start spilling out info to the world? it'd be funny as hell 16

and costly,confidentialty clauses are not the big fat guy that comes at xmas. wink

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » DJ Ashba Live Chat » 792 weeks ago

James Lofton wrote:
st@rfucker wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

People who are hardcore fans for decades are not "fair weather", regardless of what side of the fence they stand on.

What is mildly amusing about these types of situations is how some people think it has to be one of two extremes....Ashba revealing Axl's deepest, darkest secrets or cementing his mouth shut. Its like people don't follow other artists and see that a middle ground exists.

No one was expecting Ashba to leak two new GNR albums. Simple statements regarding his time in rehearsals or something of that nature isn't really too much to ask(or is it?), and its fucking hilarious that you're branded a hater/complainer for simply wanting to hear/read some info on a band you like.

Only in the GNR world.....

Not everyone is as ancient as you or I and haven't been fans for decades,some are just discovering GNR, look at the age plateau
on some forums, and consider some of these 16 year old instant experts actually expect GNR to act like a "normal" band?
If I were assaulted with as many innane comments as Ashba was
I'd be thoroughly and absolutely disgusted and a bit disillusioned.
No, It's not abnormal to crave info about a band, it's a bit insane to demand it imo. And I'll mention again how shiny and happy the boards got immediately following the dec. chats, but that shine erroded rather rapidly in some places.
Maybe that shitslinging that followed not long after closed some lines of communication.
And Ashba didn't lose any fans by participating in the melee'-He just didn't give much information out,other than yes-he is in GNR, and that he writes profusely, Good news so far.


A little goes a long ways.....

Had Axl followed through with something after those chats, I don't think the cloud of negativity would have resurfaced so soon. Example, he says "a week or so" for the Better video. It gets released. Anyone complaining under those circumstances would have been complaining just for the sake of complaining.

After the video, maybe a limited amount of tour dates. Hit a few major cities in the U.S., maybe a limited run in South America.

None of this requires what is commonly referred to as "attention whoring". It would simply be Axl/GNR doing what artists do.

Instead we get silence, and silence breeds contempt. Axl's own hardcore base wasn't even willing to push those two singles up the charts, and neither came close to cracking the Itunes Top 100, and even shit like a deep album cut from a 1980s Heart album has cracked that chart.

The road goes both ways. Relationships between artists and fans exist on a very fine line, and thats not including the dysfunction in this situation. I think all GNR fans(well, the hardcores) are willing to support the band 100%, even those who "complain". Everyone at these sites could have joined forces and propped CD and/or Better up on that Itunes chart, which literally could have been the catalyst for the "second wind". It didn't happen. Why? Was it Beta informing fans that they weren't fans, Axl's nonchalant approach not just to the record but the singles themselves, or the can of cancerous worms with Slash's name on it?

It is obviously Axl's choice whether or not he wants to stay out of the limelight or swing for the fences one more time. Whatever he decides to do, he needs to aim for more consistency. Letting the hangers on say we're not fans and then literally the next minute sending out myspace bulletins begging people to buy it simply wont cut the mustard in today's music culture. Its hypocritical, a huge turn off, causes casuals to walk away, and your album/singles get laughed off the charts.

I don't care how many copies this sold in Timbuktu, it sank like the Titanic and I think the approach to it had just as much to do with it if not more than the actual material itself.

As far as the younger generation of fans go, they grew up on the Chinese Democracy era. You cant expect sunshine and lollipops coming from their direction, and Axl, GNR, and UMG should be thanking their lucky stars that anyone in that age demographic even bought it.

I don't think the fat lady has been invited to sing concerning CD,
There was obviously a mix-up of unknown complications on the "better" vid, maybe it was a bit too fincked-up to some opinions.
It obviously included live clips ie: the red bicycle mention.
A week or so, turned into so, and I personally don't care how high
it climbed on Itunes, or billboard-I know I like it,and I don't have to justify that by sales or chart positions. It was a bit rushed imo to have only one cover and a fucked up booklet,not helpful.Nor were the super-fantastic best buy cardboard massive displays that towered above everything in the store,and the accompanying merchandise available. Best buy took care of a debt,but in a shoddy way,and UMG didn't seem that eager to support the effort,I realize the industry is changing,but imo Interscope treated GNRs like red headed stepchildren (no pun) refusing the simple backing they throw at the flavor de jour.
As for the interviews it was past time to set the record straight,and present the other side of the coin. A cancer grows out of proportion and contaminates what it touches,while it attempts to take over an organism,that is a pretty apt description imo.
Now back to the Ashba chat, I see it more as a meet n' greet more than an actual moderated chat,and the loonies were out in number,
I almost went blind reading that crazy convo of colorful crapola.
So,Ashba is in the band-and he writes a lot that was enough for me, even if his choke chain was tugged by a phone big_smile
He is a avid Tim Burton fan, and I am as well, so for now all is well
in my curiousity chamber. When Official announcements are made
I'll be ecstatic,until then I'm happy and chillaxing with CD. 5

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