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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover! » 868 weeks ago

Communist China wrote:

Riyadh is the song I want to hear in studio form the most right now. It was played live imo because they felt it was one of their best songs. Yet it didn't work well. Axl pushed his range live, and the band played a very hard song live, for a reason. Axl doesn't leave his comfort zone unless he really has confidence in something. Riyadh live was a failure and he probably knew he couldn't pull off vocals that high on any given night, but the fact that he tried, to me, means it is a gem in finished studio form.

We were given in '02 only songs that were among their best. '06 leaks throw everything in question though. We were expecting new songs live and we had IRS, so they played IRS. Doesn't mean it was A-listed imo. But what was debuted in 01-02 (CD, Maddy, The Blues, Riyadh, Silkworms) I believe were the real deal.

If Silkworms and Riyadh are the "real deal", we are in trouble.  :wtf:

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover! » 868 weeks ago

Jameslofton wrote:

I don't think anyone here considers these songs B list songs. Pretty much everybody likes them(or most of them anyways). The point is that if they weren't A list songs, they wouldn't be in contention for the first album for a decade.

These songs can be A list with there being some other A list songs still in the vault.

I never said the demos that we have now are B side songs. I'm just saying that there are like 50-60 songs "supposedly" that we haven't heard. I find it highly unlikely that all 50-60 of these are going to be A list songs. Those songs are the ones I was referring to as B list songs.

I agree that The Blues, TWAT, Better are probably 'A' list songs. Axl referred to these 3 as his favorite in 2006, right ? I don't deny that there probably are other songs of the same caliber that have not been heard. I just don't believe that this "unheard" stuff, it going to be much better than what we have now, nor do I think it will have warranted the un-godly amount of time that this has taken in the end.

Hope I'm wrong. We'll see.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover! » 868 weeks ago

Neemo wrote:
bringbackadler in 2008 wrote:

If the 1st album is below par, the critics, media, and fans will eat Axl alive.

yeah cuz the way he's doing things right now make it seem that he cares what the critics say...

Hey, if you believe Axl's "plan" is to release B-side songs on the first album and save the A list for a later time, that's your business. You have to admit though, sounds a little far fetched. Doesn't it ?

bba in 08'

#4 Re: The Garden » NEW MEMBERS introduce yourself here » 868 weeks ago

Hey guys, I'm bringbackadler in 2008. Formerly known as bringbackadler.

This is my second time being a member under the new site. I was also a member at ROV a couple times back in the day.

bba in 08'

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNRevolution Exclusive! Classic Rock Feb Mag Cover! » 868 weeks ago

Neemo wrote:

maybe the "A" list songs are reserved for the 2nd disk...the 1st disk will be big based on curiosity alone...the 2nd one has to support itself and build on the hype surrounding hte 2nd disk....if the 2nd album blows then there is no hype for disk 3

Highly unlikely. I'm with James, the first disk would have to be all killer no filler. If the 1st album is below par, the critics, media, and fans will eat Axl alive. This is what we've been waiting for? This is what he ended the original lineup over? If Axl wants to have even the slightest chance with this NU GN'R thing, he is going to need some badass material that warranted this decade and a half soap opera.

I also agree with James that what we've heard so far IS probably "A" List stuff. To be honest, I personally find that to be a huge let down. It's not bad or anything, but it ain't "grandiose" or "epic" as some descibed either. I don't care if he does re-record the vocals, or adds an extra layer of synth, or BBF, it's unlikely that it's going to make that much of a difference.

Somebody, leak a new song already !

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Message to Beta/GNR Management » 868 weeks ago

Dadud wrote:

Is there anything you can do to keep us from going into a silent era?  I have a feeling if you go into a silent era again, you may loose most, if not all of our attention.

What do you mean "IF" we go in to another silent era ?

How much quieter would things have to be for you to consider this a "silent era" ?  16

bba in 08'

#7 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » STEVEN ADLER To Guest On New ENUFF Z'NUFF Album » 868 weeks ago

Eh, can't say that I'm too excited about a new Enuff Znuff album.

But, Steven Adler is the man !

bba in 08'

#8 Re: The Garden » jarmos myspace page » 868 weeks ago

I told Jarmo that he could kiss my ass a loooong time ago.

I occasionally read some posts over at htgth, but only for the laughs. I honestly think the man is sick. If he honestly believes half of the shit that he posts, that's scary. I agree with you downliner that his thread pointing out the errors in Slash's book should have been the smoking gun, proving how sad and truly lame he really is.  I've watched that dictator go into the VR section, start his dissing of Slash and Duff, and then ban someone for pointing it out, or for trying to defend them. Some of his personal lackies that he calls moderators are almost just as bad as he is. Adz comes to mind.

If you're wanting news,  check out this forum or mygnr. If you want a good laugh, go pay jarmo a visit.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy's Fate » 868 weeks ago

No album release ever without Slash and Duff at a minimum. I've been saying it for years and I still stand by that.

This album will never warrant the endless wait or live up to its expectation.

The risk is just too great and there is no way Axl is going to ever find the courage to take this gamble on his own.

Answer in short, certain original lineup members not present = no album, ever.


#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » This Was Posted on TMZ Today - Slash Taunts Axl Rose About "Democracy" » 868 weeks ago

Now, that article was a perfect example of shit journalism.

Guess it also adds more fuel to the theory of seeing a VR Greatest Hits before Axl striking up the courage to release one album on his own.

bba in 08'

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