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#1 Re: The Garden » Forum hosting » 866 weeks ago

That would be good, thanks.
I like SMF, I think it's the easiest to deal with.

Any other suggestions are also welcome...

#2 The Garden » Forum hosting » 866 weeks ago

Replies: 4

Ok, here's the thing.

I'm thinking about creating a forum (not about GNR though).

I was wondering if any of you know a good (and free) service to host it. (it'd be good if it had the option to customize it in another language, since it'll be in portuguese, but that's not a priority)

I used to know loads of these when I was more into this forum life, but now I can't remember any. sad


#3 Re: Management » Avatar » 866 weeks ago

It worked! Thanks a lot, luckylittlelady!

#4 Re: Management » Avatar » 866 weeks ago

How can I resize my avatar and still have a good quality image? I tried it using paint, but no luck.:haha:

#5 Re: Management » Guns N Roses Skins / Styles » 866 weeks ago

I just noticed that feature... Whose idea was it? It's awesome, I never saw it anywhere before.

#7 Re: The Garden » Electronic Sacrifice! » 866 weeks ago

I could easily live without a TV. I hardly watch it, plus some other stuff I'd rather not start a discussion about.

Whenever I wanna watch a DVD, I watch it on my computer. So, yeah, TV is useless for me.

#8 Re: The Garden » NEW MEMBERS introduce yourself here » 868 weeks ago

I only found out about this site today, when I spoke to Lofton. Yeah, I think I'm back to the forums...

Locked myself at home studying for over a year to get a place in the best History university of Latin America, got my (positive) results and now I'm here.

I can't guarantee I'll always be posting... I don't even know what's up with GNR these days, so, I'll post if I come across anything interesting enough to discuss about.

I think most of you know who I am, but those who don't:

I'm Amanda, a 17 year old girl from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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