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#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose's Religion » 661 weeks ago

Axl speaking on if music incites violence...

"...If you wanna - like - point fingers and say what influences people in a bad way, and - most powerful influence in like, what damage has been done, it like the Bilbe has caused more wars and death than anything by people reacting to it however people feel like they should react to this, more than any other book."
Axl Rose – Famous Last Words interview (1990)

Personally I don’t think he is into following any organised religion but I do feel that he believes (or at least believed up until 1994) in some like of higher power. There has been no genuine talk about Axl’s spiritual beliefs since his “come back”, but then again there have been VERY few interviews with Axl anyway and the few that exist generally focus on the old line-up/reunion/law suits.

One could argue that there are signs in some songs on CD (This I love) where he sings "Please God you must believe me" but that doesn’t really prove anything as it could just be one of those things people say (if you think about how people throw around god’s name nowadays). I also heard that that song was written in the 90s so it could also stem from his beliefs back then?

All I know is that he used to come across as a bit of a spiritualist but his current take on faith, idk. He almost always wears a cross though...

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