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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

supaplex wrote:
echrisl wrote:

As opposed to HTGTH, where everything is ultra-censored and he'll be drowning in questions asking him to pinpoint why exactly he is the pinnacle of human existence?

don;t worry, there's lots of people who don't worship axl there. D would have a field day there 16

I'm surfing over there, too, and D is lapping it up as fast as he can:

D (posted on HTGTH) wrote:

I feel the need to repent any GNR sins I have committed.

Anytime I ever seemed negative or what have u I apologize!

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

I actually am also surprised that this seems to be lasting as long as it is.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

It works for Dave Mustaine, I guess, but I think GNR is just too big for it to work effectively for Axl.  Also, his personality isn't conducive to it and Dave Mustaine does it on a web site he owns and runs himself, which makes it effective from bandwidth and creative control points.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

As opposed to HTGTH, where everything is ultra-censored and he'll be drowning in questions asking him to pinpoint why exactly he is the pinnacle of human existence?

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

Not to incite anything crazy if my supposition is incorrect, but did anyone else notice that the dexter who registered here today is almost certainly fake?  I base that statement on the observation that his e-mail is visible here, which would be one hell of an oversight.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

People are nuts ... I can't believe the clamor at HTGTH right now; they really think the exact same thing won't happen the second Axl posts a message there?  Or that he's going to sift through their questions one by one and prepare responses?  It's no wonder I can't stand it over there.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

Bottom line is, if he wanted it done differently and couldn't make it happen, then the moves he made which led him to the point where he couldn't get it to happen the way he wanted it to were as damaging as intentionally torpedoing it himself.

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

Listen, posting on the band's forums is alright, but now that this has been revealed, it's going straight down the shitter.  And the bottom line is that if Axl doesn't know that he's fucked up the release of the album at this point then I certainly don't think my posts are going to shed any light on that issue for him, nor send him screaming away from the internet forever (but the nutswingers who are no doubt deluging his PM's as we speak are another story).

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

Oh please ... if you want to stroke his ego go ahead, but don't expect everyone else to follow along.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL Posting on GNR Forums! » 824 weeks ago

Well, I guess now we know why there hasn't been any promotion for the album ... he's too busy posting on GNR forums ... Jesus ...

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