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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd » 601 weeks ago

metallex78 wrote:

Sounds suss to me. Sam was there and said that Axl gently threw it to the front of the crowd. This guy is making out like it was missile speed trajectoried at him.

He probably got in a fight and is making up shit about the mic hitting him

This happened in Perth. But I noticed in Sydney he did a gentle underarm throw to people near the front. When I got home I read the article about the Perth guy suing Axl, and guessed maybe he heard about the Perth law suit and decide to gently throw it into the audience for the Sydney show.

Are you going to both Melbourne gigs Al?

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Guns N' Roses to come to Australia in March 2013 » 601 weeks ago

faldor wrote:
metallex78 wrote:

I'm sure I'll enjoy the show I go to this weekend, but I was really hoping we'd get the 3 hour marathons that the US just got... 10
Shame they're not playing Civil War, or Street of Dreams, Madagascar or even TWAT.

I read a tweet from Ron complaining about curfews for the shows recently being the reason they've run a little short.  They seem to be starting the shows earlier, no?  What's the curfew over there anyway?

I'm unsure. But they have been kicking off at 8:45pm with little changeover time between ZZ Top finishing.

They played at Allphones Arena in Sydney which is the same venue that played in 07 where they kicked off after 11pm. One of the workers at the stadium told me it caused them a lot of problems in terms of public transport and so forth last time. Allphones Arena is at the site of the Sydney 2000 olympics which as far as I am aware, doesn't have a curfew. Perth I understand went for 2 hours whilst Sydney was a good 2 and a half hours. Perhaps the fact that Axl's vocals in Perth seemed a little on and off had something to do with it.

Both the promotor and Axl have made efforts in the media to make the point that they are trying to get out on stage earlier so I think they are understanding the impact the lateness were having. They don't have the luxury to do it on their own terms anymore with tickets not selling as they once did.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETA!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOx » 601 weeks ago

monkeychow wrote:
misterID wrote:

jarmo has made out, but I swear he never seemed like a hardcore new line up fan when I first started posting there, until he started getting perks. He didn't have the warmest of reviews for IRS, I do remember that.

Indeed...he also used to be a VR fan initially.

He says he just changed his mind, but um, it's funny how the Slash hate around there began around the same time that he started getting taken around the world with the band.

I noticed the shift of culture on that site at the same time as the initial Chinese Democracy tracks leaks. As it was the main GN'R site at the time, I guess his compliance upon request in limiting the impact of the leaks reaped rewards somewhat.

Oh well, others choices are their own and at least we seem to have a fantastic community here, so I have noticed thus far 22

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETA!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOx » 601 weeks ago

The other day at the Sydney gig, she seemed to be looking younger than at RIR3!

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd » 601 weeks ago

I do find it humorous that he got smacked in the gob with a mic.. and his offer to patch things up.. was.. a mic!

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETA!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOx » 601 weeks ago

I once remember a quote in a GN'R book which went something along the lines of "I wonder what the Axl who once would wear a Thin Lizzy shirt for a week would think of what things have turned into today". I wonder what the admin of many years ago who once started that once amazing forum, would think if he could see what it has turned into today. But hey, at least he is reaping the rewards. It's just a shame it's at the cost of the respect of the fans of a great community and the integrity of a once great forum and place to discuss all things GN'R.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETA!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOx » 601 weeks ago

I posted the article about the idiot fan suing Axl for throwing the mic on HTGTH and it was removed.. lawl!

If anything, it's humorous rather than negative.

That was the last straw. I returned there after a number of years away from following GN'R closely and it's just silly.

Fans cant discuss and debate anything anymore which is what the whole point of the forum was in the first place.

Funny thing is, nobody in the GN'R camp is going to give a $hit about that a$$ kissing douche in 10 years time once GN'R fades into oblivion, and Jarmo will be left with no fans on the forum either. Oh well, at least he enjoyed his free gigs and trips and what not.

#9 Re: The Sunset Strip » The Walking Dead » 601 weeks ago

Love this show, but it just needs to sleep up a little!

It seems like the last god knows how many episodes have been spent piss farting around deciding what to do about the governor, having a big debate about it, going for a drive to pick up some gear, having a coffee and cake with the guy and still.. we are no where.

In saying that, I have never read the comic and I'm unsure how closely they are following it and what not.

Also, I was late catching onto the show, so I watched the first couple of seasons in a weekend which heaps make things seem at a decent pace. Waiting each week and the show not moving on so fast, makes it seem even slower!

#10 Re: The Garden » NEW MEMBERS introduce yourself here » 601 weeks ago

metallex78 wrote:
gunnerdownunder wrote:

Hey all.

I'm Sam, or gunnerdownunder.

Used to hit the forums a fair bit and enjoy my bootleg collecting, but due to health reasons, I lost some interest and I've been very quiet over the past few years. The forum I used to enjoy being a part of, turned into Beijing, so that also put me off.

But it's great to be back, and I'm sure some friends and fans from the old days are around here somewhere.

Sam, buddy!

Welcome. Like I told ya, this place is much, much better than HTGTH... 14

I actually logged on to the old site I used to frequent, HTGTH, and posted some reviews and took a look around. I stopped bothering because it changed so much with all of the censorship and general BS. It seems like a ghost town there now. I can't see any of the old guys I used to banter with and see around, posting on there anymore. It's a shame as it was a top place for fans back in the day. On the flip side, it seems to have reaped rewards for the admin. Does he actually pay to go around the world and watch GN'R for himself, or he is actually part of their entourage these days?

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