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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » I will post a leak » 265 weeks ago

Can someone Please PM me some cheese on toast im a bit peckish!

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » I will post a leak » 265 weeks ago

James wrote:
Friedchicken wrote:

is there a better album from this century? if so tell me .

Soundgarden- King Animal

fair album but not enough layers and overdubs  ha ha

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » I will post a leak » 265 weeks ago

PaSnow wrote:
Friedchicken wrote:

Chinese Democracy is  still the best album of the 21st Century even though it is a bit over played .

What?!   Overplayed by who, yourself?  And I wouldn't say its anywhere near tops of the century, let alone 'best'.

Obviously i over play it or i would n t be here . but my point was the album had too many dubs on it , But is there a better album from this century? if so tell me .

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » I will post a leak » 265 weeks ago

Yeah Catcher in 99 with Brian .. Bish Bosh , Throw the album out , and by this time we would be talking a very  different GNR , But as I remember casual listeners and Critics at that time were discounting of it because there was no slash .I Bought the End Of Days Sound Track Just for Oh My God (£18) and loved it and the new GNR also previously bought Slashes Snake Pit (which was garbage) Chinese Democracy is  still the best album of the 21st Century even though it is a bit over played . These new(old) tracks need to be out there . but  i don t think the gnr fan base will be hearing them in the next .....5  ...... 10 ......15 years. although......I DONT WANT TO LOSE HEART ! I WANT TO BELIEVE!

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