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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Better" Video Discussion » 625 weeks ago

Hey all, been out of touch for a while trying to take care of my own life stuff, that douche posting a personal convo prompted me to get back in touch with the world....

I joked about a montage video (with an 'lol') and told the kid to stop bothering me with his complaints, to address them to GNR management, and to leave me alone about it during my time off.  Wasn't a serious thing....   (and not our first convo.....)  Then to post it weeks later and try and turn fans against me and get 5 seconds of attention...  wuuudever. 

I've been very grumpy.  I won't get into details, I'll just say that's *over*.  No more grumpy.

Fuck johndivney.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon  smile

Any chatting I do from here on will be at - we have our own chat now, that's where you'll find me.  smile

Take care!


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