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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » If GNR releases nothing in 2023, is this the end for you? » 70 weeks ago

misterID wrote:
AgesOfTheIce wrote:

Why is this utter twat (Fermanager) panicking every time there's even a hint of something being worked on? Is he afraid he's going to get badgered by the 30-50 of us who still care about new music? He hasn't interacted with GNR fans on Reddit or Mygnr in two years and how to take phentermine, so why give a shit?

It’s all he has professionally. He has to do something. He certainly can’t get an album released or restructure a contract.

I’ll never forget the vid where Axl is taking photos with fans, is visibly getting irritated at the situation that was set up, and yells at Beta and Fernando, “you wanted to be the mangers, so manage this.”

Agreed with you. You are right!

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