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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums » 844 weeks ago

speaking of which, wouldnt these guys usually be waering some kind of matching shirts or name tags? just doesnt seem right

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums » 844 weeks ago

yeah, but only hardcore Bucket fans bought those. Same here. If two seperate albums or a double album is released, I could see it selling for 9.99 each, or 13.99 together. But 4 albums together might boost that to $24.99 or so. Unless they have some special packaging, I dont see them being able to sell a lot of copies. Theres just a lot of material to digest, even on a double album. 4 just seems like overkill to me. As much as I wanna hear them, I dont think its the right way to go about it,

#4 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » VR new singer news (sort of) from snakepit .org » 846 weeks ago

A Private Eye wrote:

Justin Hawkins 16

that would be amazing, sadly he's just finished an album with his new band. The song they released for free a couple of days ago rocks, by the way.

#5 Re: The Garden » NEW MEMBERS introduce yourself here » 847 weeks ago

russtcb wrote:
Robman wrote:

Its been a long time since I last posted here, or on any GNR forums for that matter

hello everyone! smile

Welcome back! I'm reasonably sure I remember you from either RoV or HTGTH, but either way; welcome back.

yeah dude, I think EMS as well.

Hey Saikin, its been a while lol

Yo Neemo

#6 Re: The Garden » NEW MEMBERS introduce yourself here » 847 weeks ago

Its been a long time since I last posted here, or on any GNR forums for that matter

hello everyone! smile

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Fender Signed By Axl, Up For Sale on Ebay » 868 weeks ago

Bullshit, I've seen that pick used on similar auctions before.

#8 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » Duff and his wife on Bloomberg TV » 870 weeks ago

yeah, and real estate. He has a business degree from Seattle

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » 1 year » 871 weeks ago

he obviously had no plan of releasing it anytime after the march date, or he would have give an update.

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