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#1 Re: The Sunset Strip » 10 Unluckiest Musicians in Rock History » 786 weeks ago

I'm surprised Terry Reid didn't get mentioned.  He turned down Jimmy Page when Mr. Page wanted to start a new group after the Yardbirds....Yup Led Zeppelin.  If you've never heard Mr. Reid, watch the end credits to The Devil's Rejects....That song of his there is one of my all time favorites.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » RB2 cracked? mogg available? » 788 weeks ago

I think there is some confusion re the vegas boots.  the HOB show is everywhere.  The following year, GNR played 2 shows  at the Joint (Hard Rock) in Vegas.  Same setlist both nights as I remember, but the band was a tad better sounding and "tighter" the 2nd show .  The 2 shows at the joint have never been circulated to my knowledge, I have heard some of November Rain someone recorded from the 1st night.  As a side note, then video montage played before both shows was awesome.  Remeber, this was after 9/11 and the pre show video bitched about arabs and oil and had scenes from 70's movies mingled in with some old news footage.  The HOB show was better, but it would be nice to have some audio/video from the Joint shows.  I went to all 3 of those shows, and I can tell you each one had a different vibe to them.

BTW, any luck on more moggs?  The guy with the airport footage is a decent cat, he's just after some new material like all of us.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 791 weeks ago

Can I beg  err get a PM as well?  Thanks!

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion » 829 weeks ago

The quality sucks tongue  I love Sorry, and I love the end of Catcher.

I'll say this:  I am the biggest Axl backer out there, always have been and always will be.  That said, I think This I love is the first song that I would consider to be an Axl solo song and not necessarily a GNR song.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion » 829 weeks ago

Any chance of one of you crazy cats sending this old timer a PM?  I figure I have waited 15+ years for This I Love, damned if I need to wait any longer to listen if it is out there.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » What song did Axl open November Rain with in 2006 » 829 weeks ago

There were 2 instrumental pieces before NR.  One is clearly Prostitute, the other (and better) piano solo is what some of us are hopeful to be This I love.  Check the Buffalo or Cleveland or Columbus show out for the 2nd intro

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today** » 838 weeks ago

Am I glad I got to hear the leaks? -Yes

Is the guy who hosted them a stupid fuck for doing so? -yes

He deserves whatever comes his way.  We all break laws daily from stealing to speeding to whatever.  We also all understand that there are consequences.
GNR become corperate property in 1986 when they signed that contract.

This whole notion of "man they are sellouts with walmart, etc." is just a really naive way of looking at things.  The beauty of GNR, NWA, RATM is that they got the young kids to think that they were "fighting the power" when in reality it was just feeding the machine and helping everyone involved make some coin.  I hope the hammer falls hard on this assclown.  He was too stupid/brash for his own good.  MSL better be looking over his shoulder as well as Incognito.  I'm pretty sure it is a felony to offer to pay for stolen property, and Incognito is on the fast track to learning that

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Incognito at it again » 839 weeks ago

While we're here debating fake insiders and all that jibba jabba, has incognito or anyone else bothered to get in touch with Sorielle?  Her Axl bio book seemed to have gotten "erased" just as it was to come out, and she should have some interesting thoughts regarding some of the early leaks.  You want insider contact to get ahold of former/disgruntled employees - she's your broad.  She used to post at places once and awhile, haven't seen a thing in years.  BTW, refrences to Pure shoud get MisterID +1 rep...toodles

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » T Minus 3 days and counting...............?? » 840 weeks ago

Yup, sitting here at work and I have pretty much said "Fuck it" as far as meeting any deadlines or going to any appointments.  If dark says it may get interesting, that's good enough for me.  My thought is this though:  If it's only SR, I really don't think there would have been this much "chatter".  My guess is it's something bigger.  I guess we'll all know in 2 hours

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