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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 45 weeks ago

Dadud wrote:
Chicken Tikka Masala wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

yes Walker has released songs on here
and he fucks with the songs
he also has not leaked more than Dark but keep going with that BS
Oh and if walker has all these songs we dont have
you should be calling him out instead of Dark
Oh right you dont bc he probably gave you those songs
and you are the one who is hoarding

You are a joke dude. I am just not going to bother replying to you anymore.
So dont even bother quoting me, you wont get a reply anymore.

So did the chairman hoarding the last disc for weeks so he could trade for the VMA rehearsal just not happen?
I don't recall walker making such stupid public statements for attention.
Chairman is a joke. The bigger joke is you for being his little cheerleader. Next time, Do yourself a favor and actually know what the fuck you are talking about.

Fwiw the chairman was a group of people, including llamarenegade, axl S, and myself, along with Rick and darknemus

Could have used a better choice of words. But yeah,  I'm grateful for you and the other's contribution. Dunsford and nemus can choke on a dildo.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 45 weeks ago

dave-gnfnr wrote:
Bill Brasky wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

No walker has not released more songs than Dark LOL
that is a good one. Also Dark does not fuck with the songs he leaks unlike Walker

Lmfao yes he has by a vast amount
Right here on this site too.

yes Walker has released songs on here
and he fucks with the songs
he also has not leaked more than Dark but keep going with that BS
Oh and if walker has all these songs we dont have
you should be calling him out instead of Dark
Oh right you dont bc he probably gave you those songs
and you are the one who is hoarding

You are a joke dude. I am just not going to bother replying to you anymore.
So dont even bother quoting me, you wont get a reply anymore.

So did the chairman hoarding the last disc for weeks so he could trade for the VMA rehearsal just not happen?
I don't recall walker making such stupid public statements for attention.
Chairman is a joke. The bigger joke is you for being his little cheerleader. Next time, Do yourself a favor and actually know what the fuck you are talking about.

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