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#1 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 190 weeks ago

Nice to get an opinion of a never trumper. He can get fucked too.


It's over, Johnny. It's over!

#2 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 190 weeks ago

If it's what you say, I love it.

#3 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 190 weeks ago

They’re reporting in the UK he has the most votes of any presidential candidate ever

I believe every word of it. And, as much as I like Joe Biden, it's not because other people feel the same way. It's because, after a four-year trash reality show presidency, people are ready to see the villain get his comeuppance. If they drag him out kicking and screaming, expect all-time record TV ratings too.

Until Season 2, I mean.

#4 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 190 weeks ago

As someone who's only ever voted Democrat for president, I accepted defeat last night, woke up in an awful mood, and found a glimmer of hope in a Randall Flagg post. 2020 can't be real.

Anyone who's tried to paint the team around Trump, and even Trump himself, as clueless idiots have likely done themselves a huge disservice. From trying to do away with mail-in ballots, to cutting off vote counting early, to rushing ACB onto the Supreme Court. They knew exactly how this was going to play out, and barring a political miracle, they may still get away with it. Either way.. In the next four years, no more "Russia did it all while the orange baboon sat and scratched himself" please.

#5 Re: The Garden » 270 to win 2020 Edition » 190 weeks ago

Just curious, what was your handle on HTGTH? I was there 04-05ish era

You wouldn't remember me. I'd lurk for a long time, post for awhile, lurk some more. I think I might've used different names, but "disease51883" would've been the longest-lasting. I did friend a decent amount of HTGTH members on MySpace (!). It's funny; there was absolutely nothing going on in the GNR world at that time, but I'd argue that it was the golden era of the forums. There was a certain optimism. I was late high school/early college age though. Maybe that's why I remember it that way.

After Jarmo squeezed the fun out of HTGTH, I bounced between this place and GNRTruth. I almost started posting here more frequently during the most recent leaks, but when those were pulled off of sites as quickly as they went up, I lost track of what was even out there. I still haven't heard them all. Whatever.

This concludes "Mindsmack's GNR forum history". Short version: I'm glad you guys keep this place going.

#6 Re: The Garden » 270 to win 2020 Edition » 191 weeks ago

I have never spent one second on reddit...I didn't realize politics was a thing on there...

Literally everything's a thing on there. You probably wouldn't like the political boards though. The Conservative board, for instance, desperately needs a Mitch or two to annoy them and get something going. But, if that were to actually happen, they'd just ban or downvote you into oblivion and go back to their echo chamber. Same with the Politics (liberal) board.

You guys have a good thing on here. Which is why I keep checking a GNR site on election day, I suppose.

Awhile back someone in the political threads asked me if it was just our small group participating here. I told them there's more people just reading it than there are posters. It gets tons of page views.

I was most active on GNR forums during the pre-CD, HTGTH heyday. I remember SLCPunk being one of the main political voices on there. When he started his own GNR forum, I went there a few times, and it seemed to evolve into a straight up political forum very quickly. If GNR were to stay a "nostalgia act" forever, I wonder if this site could take a similar path. In a way, I guess it's half-way there already.

#7 Re: The Garden » 270 to win 2020 Edition » 191 weeks ago

After not PMing anyone on here in about a year (and not posting on the forum in almost a decade), I just went through hell to figure out my password and say that I love the political threads on this site. When chaos breaks out, this is one of my first stops for uncensored opposing opinions, and I always end up lurking a few days afterward. James is absolutely right about Reddit being full of partisan cheerleaders. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed the bickering on here until decided to give politics on there a shot. Eesh.

Speaking of James: You're too much, man. With your map, alternate map, and updated map. It's like Bobby Heenan picking a winner for the Royal Rumble. 14

I've got Biden winning 327 to 211. But, every swing state he takes, I figure it'll be by a hair. hmm

Have a fun election, people. Stay safe out there.

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses. » 637 weeks ago

DCK wrote:

Ok, prolly not counting at all but;

You won't get any closer to the resurrection of Christ than what you did with Axl Rose at this moment in time.

And this counts as one of the most kickass moment in time

I mentioned on Facebook that the second video should be GNR's "performance" tonight. After everyone finishes their speeches, drop the lights and play that on the video screen.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements) » 637 weeks ago

bigbri wrote:

The guys should reunite without Axl, tour as Guns n Roses and really fuck the redhead. If they could get Izzy, I'd see them in a heartbeat over the Hoosier fuckface.

I'd still take the "Hoosier Fuckface". He's pretty good.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Happy 50th Birthday W. Axl Rose! » 647 weeks ago

Happy Birthday to the man.

I've loved "Chinese Democracy" since the day it came out (Maybe even a little before), and had my mind thoroughly blown at the Indianapolis show. Looking forward to whatever's next.

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