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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak » 840 weeks ago

James Lofton wrote:

I do agree that a medley of this would be a fucking disaster. They gotta drop the living in the past crap when going public again.

Yep - with rock band it seems like it is (yet another) fresh point for them to start upping the new stuff and give the past a rest.

Im still digging this track on day 2 - with the last leaks by now the shine had worn off for me big time, but Im starting to love this track the more I listen.

I wanna hear the proper end of it though.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Differences in the "old" new leaks.... » 848 weeks ago

Bucket is too quiet in maddy, his melody during the samples is just drowned out!

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Overall feelings on the CD era songs.... » 848 weeks ago

Scabbie wrote:

Forgot to mention by the way I think Porcupine are playing live again later in the year.

If the world without vocals reminds me of porcupine tree......

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Overall feelings on the CD era songs.... » 848 weeks ago

Scabbie wrote:

Welcome back Jonesy!

Its been a while, where ya been? wink

Hey there dude,

I've been watching and waiting in an obsessive silent sort of way...

Just had to post my thoughts after hearing these. to tell you the truth, I just cant get my head round them at the mo.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Overall feelings on the CD era songs.... » 848 weeks ago

madagas wrote:

no-not as good as either Illusion album yet. Pretty good 9 song record overall in my opinion. And, don't get me started on Velvet...not a fan in the slightest....I am going to compare Axl to Axl and right now, I'll give him a B.

I kinda agree with you on this - after hearing If The World and Untitled I think it'd sit much better with me if it was a solo album.

Im no VR fan either.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Overall feelings on the CD era songs.... » 848 weeks ago

Gotta say I am quite disappointed. If the world and untitled the most. The vocal melody just doesnt do it for me. It's like its seperate to the music in a way.

If you took the vocal off If The World it'd sound real nice but nothing genius and the vocal doesnt add anything for me.

The best bit of both of the 2 new ones is the outra on untitled, ironically the bit where Axl isnt singing!

I prefer the live02 version of maddy, this version (as other have said of the tracks overall) sounds bloated. Buckets awesome guitar during the samples is buried, shame.

I listened to them a few times last night and once on the way to work to make sure I wasnt missing something, or if they'd grow on me, but alas not.

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