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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » How many times have you seen GN'R live? » 833 weeks ago

I saw them three times in 2006: Dublin, Dessel, Nijmegen

VR two times: 2005 in Essen 2008 in Amsterdam

I also saw Gilby solo in 2005

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Win an Abnormal CD and a picture, both signed by Ron! » 837 weeks ago

I also go for Chinese Democracy. My personal favourite performance of Ron is his work on Nightrain. And also when he did Don't Cry

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today** » 838 weeks ago

I think the leaks should maily be seen as free publicity to the main public. Even if Joe Average doesn't download, he gets the information that something is on it's way from the reincarnated GNR. And I think the people who are quick enough to find the downloads or do the effort to get them, are mainly diehard fan (forum readers), who buy the album anyway.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today** » 838 weeks ago

This gives me a very double feeling. On one hand I can understand GNR taking action against the leaks, especially when the leaks ar done so openly. On the other hand, arresting people would go to far for me. Make a written statement, have an artistic reaction if you want to express your grief.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » you can't please everyone » 838 weeks ago

For sure they should focus on the new work. It's anyway better fitting to the band. For playing AFD and UYI, we could have kept the old band together, they played those songs very well...
The tours so far after '93 have been mostly nostalgic tours with new artists. This is absolutely no critisism, I've seen them three times and had terriffic evenings! But if there comes another Chinese Democracy world tour (and especially accompanied with a release), they should strongly focus on the new material. Maybe 5 old songs and the rest new songs. CD is what the new band stands for and hopefully where Axl and GNR is proud of after many years of hard work, so they need to play it!

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