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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Some asshat trying to trash MSL » 791 weeks ago

mister saint laurent wrote:

i usually end up in the world of GNR when i desperately need a reason to convince myself that it's worth being alive. as i type this right now, i just don't feel like that anymore. i've got lots of people coming from out of town to see me play this weekend and that is what is getting me out of bed at the moment.

and one day when there is nothing that is able to get me out of bed, i'm sure i'll be back searching for songs.

You truly are a tormented soul god bless you sir.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » D-Day for the Hoarders » 831 weeks ago

The only thing i hate more then hoarders is cool whip and dane cook.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNR, Rock Band, the VMAs and 4 albums » 841 weeks ago

monkeychow wrote:
gavgnr wrote:

I wonder if there are a couple of posters in this thread that have Shackler's Revenge and other songs?

I doubt it...most folks on this board are pretty straight up about what they have and what they don't. 3

what kind of sick bastard would toy with the fans.

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