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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 792 weeks ago

im no hoarder, msl is. im calling him out on his BS :B

maybe he will post them if he has a new shit song of his to promote, lulz.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 792 weeks ago

so msl, u disappeared while 2 more multitracks have leaked in the past few days?

cd, itw and twat are available, so lets go :3

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » This I Love » 792 weeks ago

Whazup wrote:

this is the BEST version of TIL out there

ya like always people copied my mix i worked 4 hours on, put their own name under it or changed the title so no one knows its from the L :B

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR » 792 weeks ago

agree with madagas. just like htgth is axlbot territory, this place has become slashbot territory :3

when u say anything positive about axl or negative about slash, mods jump you like you just said hitler is the greatest man on earth and you are been ordered back to htgth.

here slash has been confirmed by a longtime friend of slash to lie about the axl visit and all we heard by slashbots was, well slash has creds on his solo album. feck off will ya? :B

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 793 weeks ago

you said you had the multitracks, which means all of it. now u say its just 1 song?

so which is it.

you use this to get more publicity to your songs. you cant even deny that, you confessed to it.

thats hoarding, leeching and attention whoring at the same time :B  me calling it what it is doesnt make me a hater, its fact.

i mean, sometimes stuff need to be hoarded because it can cause some problems...confession, i am hoarding the vma rehearsal video.....and things cant be just released without ruining a lot of stuff and getting all the flame for it.

but using that to promote your own stuff is just faggotry.

on top of that, the way you are doing it now, you are basically begging for gnr lawyers to give you a phone call. you should remember what happened to skewrl when he tried to promote his site with copyrighted gnr material.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » When All Is Said And Done... » 793 weeks ago

its always hilarious to see how people who have nothing to do with the music industry think they know it all....know much much more than the ones who have been heavily active in it for years and seen it all. cute :3

my post is all based on factual experience, yours were all clouded by your years of posting on internet forums about stuff you havent been in contact with and never will be but because others on those forums who are just like you, clueless about the biz, agreed with you, you think you know it :B

and it is also fact there is no point in arguing with those kind of people, because they are so obsessed about how everything is according to them on internet forums, every corny troll trick to respond will be pulled out of the hat (see james lotton ramblings filled with forum 'orly' rhetoric)...while it is all rubbish in the real world where people actually work in :B

must be nice, living in a dream, thinking these things gnr, or any other band achieved are real and the media pimps had nothing to do with it, hehe.

without the media pimps, hendrix would have been just a visitor at woodstock, nowhere near the stage. he sucked metaphorical dick too to get there. and because axl refuses to do it now, he was dropped. the music is way down the list of things to do before you can have a hit.

ive worked on albums with amazing music and amazing musicians on it, which beat every led zep, gnr, queen album. they will never be heard and u guys will think the ones being shoved down your throat by the industry only is the best :3

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » i'm back » 793 weeks ago

its ironic how you call the others hoarders after you claimed you have the multitracks, but first want us to listen to your rather lame song with equally lame talent and tickle your balls until you maybe throw us a bone after you have enough hits on your site?

is it nice? getting a fake form of recognition?

post them or gtfo :B

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » When All Is Said And Done... » 793 weeks ago

the guys who responded to my post (too lazy to quote). so you guys actually say axl thinks the way he is doing it now is better to the gnr legacy according to axl? this helps gnr according to axl?


he knows the way he does it now is not the best for the band. not promoting it through the media pimps, not going on ellen, not appearing on american idol or what the fuck like your idol slash :B

axls doing it this way because hes had enough of it. he only wants to do promo if it is not media whoring. and without media whoring, you wont get far, although being a media whore doesnt get you it all either...ask slash or bas (and yes, they are media whores, like to hear it or not) :3

if axl started media whoring, cd could have been huge....could have if he sucked enough dick in the biz. then it would have been all over the place, shoved down everyones throat until they bought it, come hell or high water. he chose not to, except some small promos and without sucking the balls of the media pimps, he was out.

take scom, that song isnt that good. seriously, corny poprock. but because it was shoved down your throat 24/7 you got brainwashed by it and liked it, its sounds familiar to you, makes you remember some things that happened to you etc. so you think its amazing.

you think the music industry is about art, creativity or music? you really are that clueless and naive?

the biz is under such massive control, way more than 17 years ago. it is more of a brainwashing institute now than anything else. we (lets say, studio folk who record stuff), got even taught about the relationship between hypnotism and sounds to manipulate the listener and those things are all over hits.

ive been working in it for 7 years, done some work for known bands, and the 'bosses' who decide everything are the fakest, most pathetic, vilest creatures you will fucks who got there because of their connections. and without whoring yourself out to these lowlife, dont expect hits.

so its easy sitting behind your pc tapping away about how axl should suck their dick and deal with them on a daily basis, give them more power over your art etc but you wouldnt do it too if you had some decency left in you.

'i wont ask of you, what i would not do'.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » When All Is Said And Done... » 793 weeks ago

if axl gave a sheet about 'legacy' and how people would see gnr or him as a legendary amazing artist he would do things very differently. totally differently. and then he would make 10 times more money then now and he would be adored by all critics and media who would make a legend out of him.

luckily hes not a prostitute like that...yeah listen to that song again and u has ur answer to this topic :3

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » RB2 cracked? mogg available? » 794 weeks ago

gavgnr wrote:
chicken_dinner wrote:

he said after i told him he asks too much and someone else will release them for free:

"these moggs will never be released,
not unless a high up employee of Harmonix decides to risk getting sued and jail time, in order to release the specific tools that are used to encrypt and decrypt mogg files, not to mention having the right knowledge on how to even use those tools"

obvious troll is obvious :3

Did the guy say what he wanted in exchange for the moggs?

Does he have something in mind?

If it's cash I wouldn't mind chipping in to a fund to get these moggs, so long as proper proof is given.

ya the VMA rehearsal.

a few dozen people have this but they cannot release it yet. and if someone releases it before its agreed upon he will get all the heat, lulz.

then u can say, well just torrent it, upload using a keyless wifi outside and no one will know. well, greedy people has it like this mogg fag :B

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