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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl hitting on Kelly Osbourne--i want to f**k You! » 838 weeks ago

Kelly's mom, Sharon Osbourne and Axl's rep say the story is totally false. In a statement to OK!, they say,

"Richie Rich is a self-promoting liar. Kelly and Axl may have met briefly at a party more than four years ago, but Mr. Rich's fantasy of what happened, in reality...never did. Both Kelly and Axl resent this falsehood and respect each other immensely."

#2 Re: The Garden » The Tattoo Thread - show us your ink! » 839 weeks ago

My one gets trolled around a lot by me at other sites so why make any exceptions here

This was done in July 2006 the day after the Uk Sheffield show, although i cant 100% confirm it i do believe i was possibly the first person to get a tattoo with that new logo on on, this tattoo was also seen by Axl Rose when in Nw York, and i think he approved as he dragged me round to show Frank and Tommy it as well.


This is the first part of my full sleeve back in July 2007


and 21 hours tattooing later in May 2007 this is where it was at


#3 Re: Management » hey james, would you cave? » 839 weeks ago

The only person banned at in the last couple or weeks was Incognito, MLS is not banned from the site, but any links to his website are not being allowed, this is not at a Request of GNR management and as as many of you may know BP is on Vacation at the moment and not back till the 24th Aug a message has been posted explaining why BP doesnt want the Links to MSL's site on his website. Im sorry so many of you believe that there is a big GNR management cover up conspiricy going on but its not. The problem is MSL has leaked this song and now he has people eating outta his hand believing everything he says, what is said in that interview is a one sided event, possibly highly exagerated, i personally dont know as i was not there listening in on phone calls or exchanging songs. The problem is im writing this and many of you are probably thinking bullshit to it all, but you dont think that to some of  MSLs posts.

Anyhow who you choose to believe its up to you.

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