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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak » 836 weeks ago

I thought the original Chicken Dinner leak was a low quality 128 rip or something - was it really ripped at 320?

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak » 836 weeks ago

This is getting a little rediculous.

I was really hoping for a better quality leak by now....the game is 'out', right?

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak » 837 weeks ago

Well if Chicken = Shackler's then I am sure hoping that a high quality MP3 or even lossless eventually finds its way out in the not to distant future...

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today** » 838 weeks ago

Well somebody had to be the Scapegoat - maybe they are sending a message to anyone who may be thinking about leaking CD in its finished entirety.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak » 839 weeks ago

-Jack- wrote:

I know this is already pretty common knowledge, but Shackler's Revenge is now confirmed as a "Nightmare" level song in Rock Band 2.

For vocals it's only a "solid" difficulty level...

For drumming it's only a "solid" level again. … 371p1.html

And as a little side note, IGN mentions the song in their recent hands on with the game but...

Of course, the biggest addition is the 84 new songs. All it takes is a cursory glance of the full set list to see the upgrade in quality over RB1. No offense to the previous iteration's set list, but Rock Band 2 slaps it in the face and kicks it down a flight of stairs. The list looks incredible and I can assure you, it plays great. I know you want the scoop on the new Guns 'n Roses song, but unfortunately, we're under Axl lockdown over here. What I can say is that the rest of the set list is very solid.

For those who couldn't give 2 shits about the playing the actual RB2 game - how does the vocal portion play out in the game?  Do you have to hit certain predetermined notes at points or something?  Replicating the Axl screams seems like a pretty tall order.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNR Evolution mentioned in Idolator article!! » 839 weeks ago

Well at least the artwork doesn't look like some of the fan-made shit out there, if in fact it is fake.  It looks real enough to me.

The fact that the Chicken Dinner leak was nicely labelled and tagged unlike some of the others really sticks out too. 

At least someone took the effort to make it all look very real....

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak » 839 weeks ago

I'm sure I probably missed it in this thread somewhere but can anyone describe what the original 'Shackler' song was like?  Is it anything like the possible Shackler leak?

EDIT:  Which of Bucket's 12 million CDs is the song on?

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » GNR's 'Democracy' To Be Retail Exclusive? » 839 weeks ago

-Jack- wrote:

In all fairness to Fernando, I mean, even if it was him, people make mistakes you know? And it's a bummer to think that, even though he has come off a bit hard on some GNR fans, that he would suddenly be "a leaking bastard" or something.

I mean, if I knew Axl Rose and had some of his new songs, of course I would show some of my friends. I'm sure Axl would encourage that, seeing as Fernando is probably like his second son. For all we know, one of his friends could have stolen the songs from him... so while thats naive of him, it's not anything he should take too much crap for.

Sooooo, if we are downloading motherfuckers for listening to leaks, what does that make him?  A source is still a source to me.

Surely Axl wouldn't just let just anyone 'leave' any amount of Chinese f'n Democracy out to get ripped off whilst Fern was in the bathroom scraping the bottom of the Vaseline jar out, right?  11

Well, maybe, Catcher, but none of the other songs.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » MSL's GnRSource interview transcript » 839 weeks ago

Has anyone confirmed that Shackler's/Chicken Dinner is in fact a mastered track and not, in BBF's own words, "just an unfinished demo" like what is said about other leaks?

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