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#1 Re: The Sunset Strip » The Video Game Console Thread » 879 weeks ago

The ps3 should be renamed the bluy ray player . cause that is all it's good for. Wii and 360 own it as far as game counsels go.

ANybody looking forward to the next Resident evil game?

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose being timeless - do you agree? » 879 weeks ago

polluxlm you said everything I would have said.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » What Did You Guys Think Of This Rant...? » 879 weeks ago

I think it was a bit of a nutty rant. Axl seem like he wants to blame everybody else for his problems instead of manning up to them himself.

#6 Re: The Sunset Strip » Into the Wild » 879 weeks ago

it's in theaters right now. Was directed by Sean Peen and Eddie Vedder did the sound track for it. Good film .

#7 Re: The Sunset Strip » A7X Hit #4 » 879 weeks ago

Dont think they sound like them either, but that isn't what I said.

They, too me. seem to be making cookie cutter rock . Much in the same vein as gc.t

#8 Re: The Sunset Strip » A7X Hit #4 » 880 weeks ago

They really should have called the album " We Ain't Good Charlotte .....Yet!"

#10 Re: The Garden » NEW MEMBERS introduce yourself here » 880 weeks ago

Hi , I am Timothy and I am two steps away from becoming and alcoholic.

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