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 Rep: 207 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

DCK wrote:
madagas wrote:

ID, nothing has made sense during the whole Chinese Democracy saga....why make sense now? The whole thing from top to bottom is "unbelievable." This shit could all very well be true.

I've been around long enough not to be so concluding. The best way for any GNR fan is to be slightly positive, slightly negative. A bit of "maybe, let's see" attitude instead of coming rolling in on camels shooting bullets in the air declaring anything either fake, gay, real or a miracle.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

But see, he's put himself in a position where you can't (presently) call him on it because he can always say "Oh, plans changed. This is what was going to happen..." Anyone can do that. If GNR called it bullshit, he'd say "Of course they would." And the sad thing is some people would believe him.

He contradicted himself at the very start. He wants money. He says he won't give real evidence of having songs, you just have to take his word. The guy who's bragged about lying and conning people. And he's telling you a story that he really doesn't have to prove, which amounts to throwing shit at the wall. Forgive anyone who's quick to call it bullshit.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

johndivney wrote:

if it's true put axls book on mediafire r megaupload

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:
misterID wrote:

But see, he's put himself in a position where you can't (presently) call him on it because he can always say "Oh, plans changed. This is what was going to happen..." Anyone can do that. If GNR called it bullshit, he'd say "Of course they would." And the sad thing is some people would believe him.

He's contradicted himself at the very start. He wants money. He says he won't give real evidence of having songs, you just have to take his word. The guy who's bragged about lying and conning people. And he's telling you a strory that he really doesn't have to prove, which amounts to throwing shit at the wall. Forgive anyone who's quick to call it bullshit.

like Russ said....could be a combo of bullshit and truth.

 Rep: 70 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Naltav wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

But hey, go for it! Have a good one! I'm sure you will!

Got my trunks on and I'm waiting at the pool side to take a long swim in whatever slurry MSL has to offer.

It sure beats looking forward to a re-release of Better with a different fucking solo on it. Jesus.

Who does? I'd be surprised if ANY hardcore fan would give a rat's ass about a new version of Better!

I'd bet MY rat's ass even Axl knows THAT!  22

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:
misterID wrote:

He's contradicted himself at the very start. He wants money. He says he won't give real evidence of having songs, you just have to take his word. The guy who's bragged about lying and conning people.


In his video he claims to have 11 unheard songs, yet ends the video offering to trade with people who have songs he doesn't. Just how many songs could be out there?

Lets mention again this post:

"I will gladly respond with simple facts, such as my high IQ (167), the young age I began university (11), or the fact that I'm a young self made millionaire."

Yet a month later he makes that video where he is trying to sell confidential documents to "people writing a book", bandmembers, ex-bandmembers or to trade with hoarders.

Why would such a wealthy man expose himself to the problems Axl's lawyers could make for him all for a bit of money thrown at him by fans, journalists, or former band members? Not like he's planning on leaking this stuff to help out fans, he's opened it up for bidding.

The answer lies in the fact that there's some exageration going on. Either he isn't a millionaire genius, or he doesn't have everything he says he has from GNR.

This doesn't mean he has nothing. Last time when he had some semi-rare stuff he leveraged it to get even more unheard stuff. And I think that's what's happening.

There must be some basis to what he has - maybe a song - or maybe some confidential documents - but you can be damn sure it's not the arsenel of hundreds of documents, and 11 songs that he's claiming.

Likewise maybe there's some scraps of truth in his information,  hey, lots of people like a drink sometimes and more than one of them has been in GNR in the past, but that doesn't mean everything he infers. Everyone knows tommy sometimes gets angry, much like how Axl does, that he cracked the shits in a pressure enviroment during one show of a whole tour is much like you having a tiff with your wife one night...doesn't mean the marriage is off.

There's probably elements of truth to what MSL says, but there's a whole bunch of exageration and lies mixed in to maximise he's potential to get more - more exposure, more money and more GNR stuff.

We have to keep reading about how smart he is, but once bitten twice shy my friend, if you were so smart you probably wouldn't have bragged so heavily about lying and tricking elements of the community last time.

 Rep: 268 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Olorin wrote:

He's desperate to get the last of those songs that are allegedly "out there". Thats why he was telling the Gnr community the Live Era recordings were the re-recorded AFD, its why he was telling the community old fan made remixes of old leaks were new demos, even on the eve of the album release he was saying he had managed to get a hold of the "amazing new version of madagascar" and was trying to trade it, all he had was a 2006 live version where Axl sung the outro differently.

When he got the original leaks, it was all through a pack of lies as well. Its always been a swindle, right now I reckon he is absolutely trying his con someone out of those last songs.
I'm beginning to wonder if he's even trying to con some gullible media types into parting with some cash. Whatever he's up to, he's aint shooting straight. And I also think that darkemus spiel and outraged stance is all part of the swindle.

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:

Dont know if people saw this on Metal Sludge:

Very interesting. Word on the street for a few days has been that Doc McGhee was going to be fired as GnR manager. Now it seems like that rumor just might have become a fact.

Insider talk has Jeff Kwatinetz – Prospect Park (formerly of The Firm) fingered as the new shot caller for GnR in the way of management.

It seems that our recent blurb >HERE< from the self proclaimed "Chinese Democracy" guy Mister Saint Laurent, (we'll call him Mister DeSaint for short) has turned into a blog found >HERE< on his official site.

Sludge is hearing that the popular UK magazine "Classic Rock" is offering a solid near 6 figure payoff of ca$h money to Mister DeSaint for his GnR memory stick of personal documents. This includes an alleged Axl Rose autobiography, his personal emails, contracts for DJ Ashba, the good, bad & ugly. … &Itemid=42

 Rep: 268 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Olorin wrote:

Time will tell if Classic Rock are paying up, I really doubt it. These online rock news things are always browsing fan forums and posting shit as news, Classic fucking Rock even stole some gags from members here when they stole a "story"

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

You know, Jeff Kwatinetz would make a lot of sense, seeing that he's starting his own company and needs some talent. But Axl would have to listen to him. He could do some really great things for Axl.

It would really, REALLY surprise me if he took on GNR, though.

But, again, it is coming from Sludge...

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