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 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:
MSL wrote:

On December 16, Guns N' Roses took the stage in Abu Dhabi to cap off the most recent leg of the never-ending Chinese Democracy World Tour.

On December 15, Guns N' Roses manager Doc McGhee was informed by members of the band that Tommy Stinson did not intend to take the stage.

Amazing detective work. Any GN'R internet geek knows that Stinson has "had it" at various points in his tenure with the band. Tomorrow he'll be fine, and the next you get One Man Mutiny. And the train kept a rollin'.

MSL wrote:

And now, on February 2, those same band members find themselves uninformed, unpaid and searching for the same answers as the rabid GNR fanbase . . .

What is next for Guns N' Roses?

Sitting at home watching the Packers beat the Steelers.

MSL wrote:

Answering that question is nearly impossible and Doc McGhee is just the latest in a long line of managers learning first hand that no matter what you have planned, at any point, W. Axl Rose may take his ball and go home.

While McGhee refused to comment for this story, documents recently received by reveal a very thorough and dedicated plan to re-market Chinese Democracy in the US later this year.

What a shocker. We've known Axl has been toying with the idea of a re-release since 2009.

MSL wrote:

A full North American arena tour and Best Buy exclusive reissue of Chinese Democracy would both launch on March 29. The tour would run through May 17 and hit 30 markets, including NY, LA, Vegas, Ft. Lauderdale, Boston, Detroit, Toronto, Indianapolis, Phoenix, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Tampa, Philly, DC, Denver, San Jose, Calgary, Winnipeg, Omaha and Houston.

Bull fucking shit, and/or these plans died LONG AGO. Not only is a 2011 North American tour common knowledge to even a casual fan, after the band toured the world throughout 2010. New GN'R is known for kicking off tours relatively quickly from announcement. Even the NA tour in 2006 was announced, and in less than two months kicked off. These dates seem to correlate almost identically to 2006. Coincidence? I think it's just a GN'R geek expert very elaborately making up crap.

MSL wrote:

The album reissue would contain new artwork and a second disc containing bonus material. In addition to remixes of tracks from the album, the bonus disc would contain a new song 'Blood In The Water' as well as a new version of 'Better' featuring DJ Ashba, which would serve as the radio single for the reissue.

Lame, if true. A CD re-release with simply a 'remix' album, 1) is common knowledge that it was planned, and 2) still is fuckin' weak in 2011 as it was in 2009. Just about every fan that wanted to remix CD has done it with the Rock Band mogg's 10x over. Plus releasing Better AGAIN as a single but with DJ Ashba would be the official moment that I jumped ship to Velvet Revolver. Fuck that. They better hope Blood In The Water is the track that makes There Was A Time radio-friendly.

MSL wrote:

All of this would be announced February 7, with a secret show the day before the Super Bowl (February 5) at The Lodge in Dallas. Yet, it's February 2 and those in the GNR camp that were willing to speak to insist they have not received any airfare or itinerary.

While nobody would dispute that a very disappointed Axl Rose has holed himself up at home once again, most agreed he was justifiably upset.

Another very easy guess on Axl's behavior habits. If he operated a band like a normal artist did without 16 fuckin' handlers in-between, he might actually be able to get something accomplished before he dies.

MSL wrote:

"When we got back to the states, we expected Doc to have a US tour ready for us," said one member of Guns N' Roses that spoke with "When we found out things were still up in the air, everyone was deflated, but Axl took the news the worst," he continued.

But why is Doc McGhee having so much trouble finalizing a North American tour? Multiple sponsors have already signed on, including John Varvatos, Bloomingdales and Deleon Tequila. Companies such as Monster Energy and Harley-Davidson have had discussions with GNR as well about sponsoring a tour.

Bullshit. Varvatos & Deleon are EASY guesses, Bloomingdales (I burst out in laughter when I read it), Harley-Davidson is a guess that dates back to 2006 when the Better video THEN fell through, and Monster Energy is a lucky guess seeing how DJ Ashba is a spokesman and has a lifetime supply of that shit.

MSL wrote:

The answer may very well lie with Axl's previous manager, the mega powerful Irving Azoff. With Azoff controlling everything from venues to ticketing, many have accused Azoff of interfering with Doc's plan of attack for 2011.

Yeah that's it. It's Irving Azoff blocking everything. Do I think Axl was blackmailed? Yes, said it from day one. Do I think Axl pissed in the wrong man's corn flakes? Yes, he's an idiot. Do I think for one second that Azoff's greed and incompetence is the reason GN'R stays an anemeic band? Hell to the fuckin' naw. There's one common denominator over the last 20 years of the all-time leading batting average in fuck ups. I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count.

MSL wrote:

So with the tour appearing to be off, where does that leave things with Best Buy? Although Best Buy had been burned by the first release of Chinese Democracy, they've pledged major funds to help market a reissue. Will they continue to be so supportive when clearly it is impossible for Guns N' Roses to reliably stick to any sort of plan.

It leaves Best Buy in the same place they've been since 2008. Butt up with a flower in it. Best Buy has an entire warehouse full of Chinese Democracy drink coasters. To this VERY DAY, you can go into a Best Buy and find 20+ copies of CD in each store, marked at $7.99, and none of them have moved in two years. Best Buy is falling now, thus their new "scaled down" stores that have started popping up in more rural locations, also with an over abundance of CD copies.

Best Buy isn't within universes of the GN'R business machine. And if they are, and that's a big IF, if they let Axl fuck them in the ass again, the least GN'R could do is let Beta & Fernando help the president of BB out the 45th story window he'll surely be jumping from.

MSL wrote:

And if and when the band returns, who will be playing bass? It wasn't that long ago that Duff McKagan appeared on stage with the band, a move that shocked fans throughout the world.

But what wasn't publically known at the time was that for years there have been internal discussions about canning Stinson due to problems with alcohol as well as his treatment of staff and crew. What role this played in Stinson threatening to not take the stage in Abu Dhabi is not known, but what is known is that as far back as 2008, Axl and other members of the band had many discussions about the pros and cons of a Duff return, a return Duff has privately expressed interest in repeatedly behind closed doors.

So what is next for Guns N' Roses? Unfortunately, not even Guns N' Roses itself knows the answer to that question.

But rest assured, this story is far from over.

And of course to close it all out, throw in the Duff thing just to boil up that old GN'R rumor mill. Duff has had NO negotiations with GN'R about returning. Why would he? The guy has his solo career with Loaded, he's also 'loaded' on his own due to his financial interests across the world, THEN he has VR which is his big ticket project that sits at the same ship yard as new GN'R right now... in other words... Duff doesn't need the money. So WHY would Duff feel ANY motivation to rejoin GN'R, not as Duff McKagan's great return to GN'R, but as Tommy Stinson's replacement. WTFH? Duff rejoining Guns, as cool as it would be, would be THE clusterfuck in the history of the band. Not only does Axl get a billion questions about a reunion, he doesn't even talk to the media, almost. Duff does. Every single question is gonna be Duff in Guns, is Slash coming back? Have you talked to Slash, how does he feel? Blah blah blah.

It just isn't gonna happen, mainly because the story is garbage. Sure Duff has expressed interest in returning to Guns... with Slash, Izzy, Steven, etc. They ALL have, except for Axl, because he's a douche.

An Axl/Duff/Izzy GN'R, playing the stuff they're playing now is fucking pointless. Those guys are not gonna play CD songs. It's not gonna happen. And if Axl launches that format as "the reunion", he'll instantly lose his dignity. He lost his credibility years ago.

You either go balls deep in the new band, or you go balls deep in a reunion. One OR the other. Not both. Axl doesn't have the BALLS for either.

Now with all of that said.... "total horse shit" - Cramer.

 Rep: 43 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

gnfnraxl wrote:

Read on MSL's board that Doc McGhee has been fired.  Wether that is true or not.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:

He probably told Axl to "buckle down and get the songs finished". 16

 Rep: 212 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

BLS-Pride wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Dont know if people saw this on Metal Sludge:

Very interesting. Word on the street for a few days has been that Doc McGhee was going to be fired as GnR manager. Now it seems like that rumor just might have become a fact.

Insider talk has Jeff Kwatinetz – Prospect Park (formerly of The Firm) fingered as the new shot caller for GnR in the way of management.

It seems that our recent blurb >HERE< from the self proclaimed "Chinese Democracy" guy Mister Saint Laurent, (we'll call him Mister DeSaint for short) has turned into a blog found >HERE< on his official site.

Sludge is hearing that the popular UK magazine "Classic Rock" is offering a solid near 6 figure payoff of ca$h money to Mister DeSaint for his GnR memory stick of personal documents. This includes an alleged Axl Rose autobiography, his personal emails, contracts for DJ Ashba, the good, bad & ugly. … &Itemid=42

If he sells that information if he has then this guy is a fucking scumbag. For real. I wanna read an Axl book but not that way. Where's the integrity these days?

 Rep: 212 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Intercourse wrote:

Axlin, I laughed my ass off reading some of what you wrote. You have an hilarous turn of phrase. Picturing Beta helping the BB boss out the window... CLASS!

Love this shit!! Something to discuss!! Our crazy band..the gift that keeps on giving!! Slash and Duff must feel vindicated.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:

Why would anyone blame Axl for this MSL saga? MSL is a deranged fan. Axl shouldn't respond and he didn't. Why give this nut more attention?

As for the state of the band, they finished a huge tour in December...less than 2 months ago. We are currently waiting on their next move. Simple as that.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:
madagas wrote:

As for the state of the band, they finished a huge tour in December...less than 2 months ago. We are currently waiting on their next move. Simple as that.

Good point!  ^^that even sounds like a bit of optimism! 5

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:

it's reality...we have no idea what is going to happen.

 Rep: 221 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

polluxlm wrote:
madagas wrote:

Why would anyone blame Axl for this MSL saga? MSL is a deranged fan. Axl shouldn't respond and he didn't. Why give this nut more attention?

As for the state of the band, they finished a huge tour in December...less than 2 months ago. We are currently waiting on their next move. Simple as that.

There was a tour? I'm way out of the loop.

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