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 Rep: 207 

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

DCK wrote:

Axlin, you have a valid point, but you forget Slash's state at the time. I think he seriously thinks he would have died if he continued in GNR with all the inactivity and Axl not playing ball.

Of course, that may just be Slash excuse for knowing he fucked up. I'm 100% sure like you he didn't think Axl would continue with no band. But he did and it caught them all off guard.

And fine, Black Eyed Peas is gay, but Slash and that girl is friends and who's to say he can't play with his friends. It's pretty gay all round, but I still respect it. Sort of.


Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

ppp wrote:

I take some issue with the whole "I'd have died if I'd have stayed" bit. Slash didn't sober up when he left gnr. He kept on doing drugs for almost a decade. There were obviously other factors for his self destruction.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

DCK wrote:
ppp wrote:

I take some issue with the whole "I'd have died if I'd have stayed" bit. Slash didn't sober up when he left gnr. He kept on doing drugs for almost a decade. There were obviously other factors for his self destruction.

Well, what I always assumed he meant was that his usage would have been worse. By quitting he eliminated one "wrong" and managed to get the others under control a bit at a time.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

Axlin16 wrote:

DCK makes a good point, because I forgot how much junk Slash was doing in the downtime, and even he said he jumps on drugs when he has downtime. As soon as VR went down between Contraband and Libertad, Slash started abusing opioids.

But i'll have to side with ppp that it seems to be a bit of inconsistent crap on Slash's side. He did say that he thought he'd die waiting for Axl, yet continued doing drugs anyways AND still could've had a solo project and stayed in Guns. I don't think Axl would've had a big issue with that. The big issue Axl had was performing with Michael Jackson and pop stars and all these things Axl hated.

These are the kind of issues you run into with you see the holes in Slash's story over the years. You think Axl's inconsistent, Slash is severely worse.

I still think had the old Guns just took a break, breathed a bit, let the love seep back in a bit, they could've been back out kickin' ass by the end of the 90's.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

misterID wrote:

I think the original lineup's break up was inevitable. The UYI period showed that. Not any amount of break time to let the love seep in would have done anything. Success killed that lineup and showed how vastly different they all were when they didn't have a common goal. And money, ego, hangers on and yes men came into play big time. And that isn't aimed at just Axl either. I just think a lot of people refuse to accept that.

And I disagree about Izzy. If a reunion means a few shows. Izzy is in. A new song on a soundtrack or new best of album. Yes, he's in. As being part of a normal, functioning band? Hell no. Izzy would fit much better in the current GNR than anything else. And most likely, just the occasional tour would be too much for him, as well.

And I really believe there was a chance Slash and Axl could have buried the hatchet back when Slash showed up at his house, but then Slash still continued to sue him. It's kind of like when Duff goes on stage with Axl and Slash says he'd refuse to take the stage because Axl went on late. That's not sounding like someone who'll jump at the chance to mend fences at the drop of a hat. I do think you're right that Slash would if that phone call happened... But Slash is constantly putting up walls, intenioned or not, about everything that would have to happen if a reunion were to happen. Perhaps he's doing it just to save face in the public with how much he wants to get back with Axl as a friend. He's just going about it the wrong way, if there's any real chance in it happening.

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

Sky Dog wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

DCK makes a good point, because I forgot how much junk Slash was doing in the downtime, and even he said he jumps on drugs when he has downtime. As soon as VR went down between Contraband and Libertad, Slash started abusing opioids.

But i'll have to side with ppp that it seems to be a bit of inconsistent crap on Slash's side. He did say that he thought he'd die waiting for Axl, yet continued doing drugs anyways AND still could've had a solo project and stayed in Guns. I don't think Axl would've had a big issue with that. The big issue Axl had was performing with Michael Jackson and pop stars and all these things Axl hated.

These are the kind of issues you run into with you see the holes in Slash's story over the years. You think Axl's inconsistent, Slash is severely worse.

I still think had the old Guns just took a break, breathed a bit, let the love seep back in a bit, they could've been back out kickin' ass by the end of the 90's.

Slash and Axl are both full of shit in my eyes....takes two to tango....HUGE egos. I blame both equally for their break up. 17

 Rep: 661 

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

monkeychow wrote:
ppp wrote:

I take some issue with the whole "I'd have died if I'd have stayed" bit. Slash didn't sober up when he left gnr. He kept on doing drugs for almost a decade. There were obviously other factors for his self destruction.

That's true...but at the same time it's been pretty well documented that he tends to indulge in even worse behaviour when there's nothing going on. From everything I've read he pretty much seems to live to be on the road touring.

When there's no tour, he goes home and there's no reason not to just shoot up. On tour - he still parties very hard - but keeps a little back to be able to play that night.

So it's not at all Axl's fault or anything, more that Slash recgonises patterns in his own abuse.

I actually think Slash is afraid of downtime in general. Look at now - VR got awarkward - so he did the solo thing - when that took a break for alterbridge he quickly scheduled VR rehersals - then the moment that's on a break he does another small tour - he's talking about a new solo album and VR next year - i think he has to keep himself busy or he knows he will do bad shit to himself.

So i mean it's not like GNR was what made him a junkie. He has the junkie personality, always has and always will. But he knows that he can manage that if he is active. So if GNR was as active as his solo stuff (which it was at first back in the AFD days) then he's fine. Using drugs but still keeping busy.   But once GNR started to take a long time- see UYI recording etc - it becomes dangerous for him. There's only drugs. And that means even more drugs.

So out of GNR he was using heavily, but doing stuff, snakepit 1 and 2 and touring, and that gives him a reason not to OD. If he'd stayed in GNR - well maybe they'd have got active faster - and he would have been fine - or maybe it would have been disagreements and downtime for 5 or more years - which would have left him with even more time for drugs.

Also, slash is a socially awarkward dude. And he's said before he was fighting with Axl - like they stoped talking, and i think he's said the day he quit was after Axl wouldn't look at him even in some situation. And i'm not saying that's Axl's fault - but if you're a junkie that kind of awarkwardness makes it extra easy to go get loaded.

So like out of GNR, he can use drugs daily, but he has a purpose in life. In GNR he had nothing to do, felt wierd all the time, and the pressure was worse and too much free time, I can easily respect that if he'd stayed int he band he would have OD'd pretty easily.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

Axlin16 wrote:
misterID wrote:

I think the original lineup's break up was inevitable. The UYI period showed that. Not any amount of break time to let the love seep in would have done anything. Success killed that lineup and showed how vastly different they all were when they didn't have a common goal. And money, ego, hangers on and yes men came into play big time. And that isn't aimed at just Axl either. I just think a lot of people refuse to accept that.

And I disagree about Izzy. If a reunion means a few shows. Izzy is in. A new song on a soundtrack or new best of album. Yes, he's in. As being part of a normal, functioning band? Hell no. Izzy would fit much better in the current GNR than anything else. And most likely, just the occasional tour would be too much for him, as well.

And I really believe there was a chance Slash and Axl could have buried the hatchet back when Slash showed up at his house, but then Slash still continued to sue him. It's kind of like when Duff goes on stage with Axl and Slash says he'd refuse to take the stage because Axl went on late. That's not sounding like someone who'll jump at the chance to mend fences at the drop of a hat. I do think you're right that Slash would if that phone call happened... But Slash is constantly putting up walls, intenioned or not, about everything that would have to happen if a reunion were to happen. Perhaps he's doing it just to save face in the public with how much he wants to get back with Axl as a friend. He's just going about it the wrong way, if there's any real chance in it happening.

Totally agree with quite a bit of what you're saying, and it even gives more credit to what Axl was getting at about "that decision has been reinterated year after year by one man" stuff. The sad thing is, if Slash would've just come out to Axl and said, "listen I did all this stuff because I was hurt and I wanted you to hurt" yada yada yada, and just been in-house about the whole thing and laid it out there, you might have a better situation today than you do today.

Instead Slash has buried himself so much in running his own mouth that to apologize to Axl, would kill his credibility forever with the media and the world alike. Especially considering the fact he's ran around since 1996 making Axl out to be the man who destroyed the best rock band on the planet, yet in the same breath, sometimes the same fuckin' sentence saying how great of a frontman he is. roll

And as for Izzy, considering how erratic GN'R tours (2001-02, 2006-07, 2009-10), I don't see any reason why Izzy couldn't have saddled up for a year here and there, had Axl's touring habits been the same with or without Izzy.

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

Sky Dog wrote:

Nobody outside of hardcores and industry people know who Izzy is at this point.....he has little to do with a reunion in the public's eye....all Axl and Slash to the generic knucklehead...only hardcores know the importance of Izzy and Duff....note, NO credit, in my eyes,  to either drummer other than they played their roles well. Both were solid but in the end, the songs came from the guitars and vocals.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Duff McKagan Says Taking Stage With Guns N' Roses Was Meant To Happen

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

Nobody outside of hardcores and industry people know who Izzy is at this point.....he has little to do with a reunion in the public's eye....all Axl and Slash to the generic knucklehead...only hardcores know the importance of Izzy and Duff....note, NO credit, in my eyes,  to either drummer other than they played their roles well. Both were solid but in the end, the songs came from the guitars and vocals.

Izzy bailing was headline news on MTV and all the music mags. Let's not act like he's an irrelevant piece to the puzzle. IF a reunion was announced and he wasn't included, every single article would mention that fact.

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