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 Rep: 485 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Neemo wrote:
Aussie wrote:

You know I have often wondered if the Street of Dreams promo CD single you see on ebay now and then is simply a bootleg done up by someone that had access to the artwork in this book, or whether it was actually prepared offically for a single. … Dreams.jpg

i think i posted this a while ago but i heard from universal music canada (third hand) a while ago that SoD was to be the 3rd single and for one reason or another it never materialized hmm like i say i was told by someone who heard if from someone so who knows how true it was...but things like those images make ya wonder Aussie

 Rep: 485 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Neemo wrote:
madagas wrote:

missing madagascar and better.....unbelievable that they didn't use that artwork.

and credits

 Rep: 475 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

misterID wrote:

I know Axl has said The Blues is one of his favorite songs. It's good, but I don't know why it would be considered as a single. Shacklers Revenge would have been a better choice. Still think TWAT would have been a good single.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

smoke wrote:

TWAT would have been amazing. Such a sweet build up to a classic Axl ending.

 Rep: 200 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

apex-twin wrote:

The rumor, and I do mean


back in the day was that The Blues was always courted to be the third single.

 Rep: 21 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Olorin wrote:

Why all the secrecy with these new pictures? I see the topic has been deleted at htgth, whats the big deal? Its not a leak or anything.

Some people have been hoarding it. This issue came up in another forum; they were privileged enough to get hold of it but were unwilling to leak it around b/c it would hurt these contacts.

I can understand the reason for keeping it under wraps, but they shouldn't have been discussing it on open message boards, posting pics of them getting it signed, etc if it was something they had no intention to shard. Just keep your mouth shut about it.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Aussie wrote:

That's the thing people can't keep their mouth shut.  It's like the hoarders that have music that they don't want to share yet they still want other people to know they have it.  Presumably they want everyone to be envious and fawn over them, not sure what sort of pay off that gives them.

You know I wouldn't be surprised if HTGTH got given a number of these to give out to members there.  The dude in that pick looks like one of the long time posters there.  I remember when CD came out there was a small number of loyal posters there that were sent a 6 pack of Dr Pepper.  Perhaps this CD was also with it?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Axlin16 wrote:

I guess i'm the only guy out there that DOES NOT LIKE Axl's intended artwork with the red hand. I just don't dig it.

I like the bicycle art work that was used for the official release FAR MORE. Jmho.

monkeychow wrote:

Well it could have been done right, it just wasn't....what I mean the end of the day it's his project, his reputation, and it's on him to look better than the old GNR and VR and so on and all of that like if you or I think it's retarded the album art got fucked, it's probably at least 2 or 3 times more frustrating for Axl - be it his own fault or a 3rd party fault or whatever - it has to suck.

I understand what you're saying, but I think Axl has a Borderline Personality type of issue with his handleling of business affairs.

Like, his own craziness fucks things up... yet he hates the end result after the damage is done, absolving himself of any responsibility for the problems.

I think that's been his issue since the demise of the original band.

russtcb wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:


There were, and BB had the same deal. Originally when Best Buy posted it on their website there was like a CD1/CD2/CD3, and everyone freaked thinking the album was gonna be a triple album at the time.

Shortly thereafter, they were pulled and just one version was on there. Those who purchased those other versions were given a cancellation notice.

Then of course Axl basically confirmed this about a month or so later.

Yep. Best Buy actually paid me to own my CD & Vinyl of Chinese over it.

When the presale first launched, I ordered a cd and vinyl of all three. Then a week or so later, I got an email saying #3 had been canceled and to call an 800 number. When I called in, they offered me a $25 online Best Buy coupon on top of a refund for each which I accepted. Then again, another week passed and I got an email saying #2 the same thing. Called in, same result.

So I ended up paying $20 for 1 copy of the vinyl and $10 for one copy of the CD. And Best Buy gave me refunds on the other CDs & vinyls plus a $25 coupon for each. In short, the paid me about $70 to own Chinese Democracy!

Great story.

If Best Buy had done that for everyone who bought CD, it'd probably be Diamond right now. 14

madagas wrote:
Riad wrote:

I.R.S Seems like a slap in the face to someone, with the pic of the rat and all

Rooster Cogburn???? lol

Rooster Cogburn:  Mr. Rat... I have a writ here says you're to stop eating Chen Lee's cornmeal forthwith. Now it's a rat writ, writ for a rat, and this is lawful service of the same. See? Doesn't pay any attention to me.
[shoots the rat]
Chen Lee: Outside is place for shooting!
Rooster Cogburn: I'm serving some papers.

Great reference. Spiritual karma to you.

 Rep: 41 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Ali wrote:

The alternative artwork is very cool. I would buy the album again just to have that artwork with no hesitation.


Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

johndivney wrote:

i defo prefer the bicycle cover, it's absolutely fantastic and one of the very few things they got right in the whole CD clusterfuck (tho they near photoshopped it to shit).. so much better than red hands.
rest of alt art kills what we got. Sorry/IRS/TiL the best, fitting cause outside TWAT they're probs the best songs.

The Blues promo art DOES look liie a bootleg but i'm p sure it's legit - remember having same debate re-artwork when that promo first appeared.

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