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 Rep: 53 

Re: Favorite foreign films

slashsfro wrote:

A few months months ago I saw "Fitzcarraldo", it's one of the best foreign films ever made. On a par with just about anything ever made in English.

James you should really check it out. It's pretty hard to explain why, without spoiling it though.

I'm thinking about making a blind buy of this on Amazon as they have the 6 (or 7) disc set of Herzog-Kinski collaborations for $36.  Atari, have you seen the other films?  Aguirre (the Wrath of God) is supposed to be just as insane and Nosferatu is the basic retelling of the Dracula story.

I'm thinking about picking up the Blu Ray of Tell No One--French thriller.  Problem is I can only pick one-either the blu ray or the multiple Kinski set.

In recent months, I've also seen "Wild Strawberries" and "The Seventh Seal", from an Ingmar Bergman season here on "Film 4" in the UK, I regret not checking out the rest of his movies.

I can never get past the beginning of "The Seventh Seal."  Wild Strawberries however is a very sweet and sentimental story about the aging professor (played by famed Swedish director Victor Sjorstrom) and how he reexamines his life as he is about to pick up an award.  I liked the relationship he had with his daughter in law. 

It makes me wish I didn't tape over it now.

Re: Favorite foreign films

AtariLegend wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

Aguirre (the Wrath of God) is supposed to be just as insane

They showed that back to back on the night with "Fitzcarraldo", I missed the first twenty minutes, so I didn't watch it.

...But the TV book reviews for it, were just as impressive. I definitely need to check it out.

Re: Favorite foreign films

Anything by Studio Ghibli.

Yeah, I know... More animated Japanese stuff!

But their productions are simply flawless.

Re: Favorite foreign films

AtariLegend wrote:
Handsome B. Wonderful wrote:

Anything by Studio Ghibli.

Yeah, I know... More animated Japanese stuff!

But their productions are simply flawless.

I've seen 3/4 of their films, to prove it, I've ranked them...

Grave of the Fireflies
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Princess Mononoke
Howl's Moving Castle
Pom Poko
Spirited Away
Only Yesterday
My Neighbor Totoro
The Cat Returns
Whisper of the Heart
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro

I literally almost cried during "Grave Of The Fireflies".

Re: Favorite foreign films

I'm really interested in seeing their "new" film Ponyo on the Cliff that is due out on DVD and Blu-ray later this year.

I was supposed to see it at the cinema when I was in Japan last year but I just never got to it.

Either way, it's going to be very fun to see it when it's released with the help of my new LCOS projector.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Favorite foreign films

tejastech08 wrote:

City of God
Infernal Affairs
The Seventh Seal
Life Is Beautiful

 Rep: 59 

Re: Favorite foreign films

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Seeing as i did'nt notice any Irish movies mentioned (prob because they are crap lol) i want to recommend my fav Irish comedy.

The Snapper

It may be hard to get where you all are but i highly recommend this movie. I think it would be worth your time to track a copy of this down.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Favorite foreign films

slashsfro wrote:

I just saw Audition and have a whole bunch of questions for James. 

Hidden Text:

Who was the old guy in the wheelchair?  He's identified as the ballet teacher but I thought he could be her stepfater as well.

The sequence after he gets knocked out the first time from the poisoned booze was a hallucination/dream right?  It was kind of confusing at first.

What really happened at the bar Azumi claimed to be working at?  Did she kill the owner or was that just another lie.

Overall, a very interesting film especially the last 50 minutes or so.  A tad slower than I expected.  I was actually expecting a lot more blood and gore.  I liked the guy who played Aoyoma's friend.  It seemed like he was right on his assesment of Azumi.  The audition scenes where he started asking those questions was funny too.

I'm going to watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance in a few days, any opinons on that one?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Favorite foreign films

James wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

I just saw Audition and have a whole bunch of questions for James. 

Hidden Text:

Who was the old guy in the wheelchair?  He's identified as the ballet teacher but I thought he could be her stepfater as well.

The sequence after he gets knocked out the first time from the poisoned booze was a hallucination/dream right?  It was kind of confusing at first.

What really happened at the bar Azumi claimed to be working at?  Did she kill the owner or was that just another lie.

Overall, a very interesting film especially the last 50 minutes or so.  A tad slower than I expected.  I was actually expecting a lot more blood and gore.  I liked the guy who played Aoyoma's friend.  It seemed like he was right on his assesment of Azumi.  The audition scenes where he started asking those questions was funny too.

I'm going to watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance in a few days, any opinons on that one?

Hidden Text:

The guy in the wheelchair was her teacher and also her abuser.

I do agree that the specific sequence you mentioned is confusing and pretty much left open to interpretation. I actually lean towards it being real, but could go either way with how it was edited.

Not much info given on that bar, and I just chalked it up to more of her bullshit.

Yeah, the film was not marketed very well. I was expecting some fast paced thriller with gore and a shocker to end all shocker endings when watching it a few years ago. Its nothing of the sort. Its basically a drama bordering on romance with those strange twists thrown in. Its an amazing film and I do think Eihi Shiina deserved at least an Oscar nomination for the performance.

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is a great film. Even though its in the 'revenge trilogy', its quite different from Oldboy. Also, as you probably know, each film in Park's Revenge trilogy is a separate story, Lady Vengeance being the worst of the three.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Favorite foreign films

slashsfro wrote:

Another Korean film seen today:  The Game (2008).  It's a great film that stars Ryu from Mr. Vengeance.  It's got some sci fi/ horror stuff but mostly its a psychological thriller.  Solid dramatic acting from both the lead and the antagonist.

James, have you seen this film?  I'm just curious since you seem to watch a lot of Asian films and our tastes appear to be similiar.

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