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 Rep: 149 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

slcpunk wrote:

The MBs were originally driven by the mystique of CD (and lack of news) anyway. Once that was gone, many people took their ball and went home. I remember boards predicting an influx in traffic, and in fact the opposite happened when CD was released. To me that was the first tipping point for the online GnR community. Prior to that users would sleuth through the boards looking for any tid bit of information they could get their hands on. Once the cat was out of the bag, the excitement, and anticipation vanished really. After that the boards slowly hemorrhaged users.

MyGnR closing is also another turning point, and it will most certainly change the online fan landscape as we know it. I honestly don't see any other boards that are capable of carrying that load and becoming a staple in the community. There are what? Half a dozen smaller boards that became noticeably vacant after the CD saga was essentially over. The traffic had migrated to mygnr, leaving the others to their core groups of posters (a couple dozen or so per board.) Of course there is also HTGTH.

MyGNR is indeed an end to an era. The demand simply isn't there to create another MyGNR and never will be again. It started at the right time and frankly it ended at the right time too. How many people on these boards are really excited about Guns anymore? I think a better question may even be, how excited about Guns is Guns anymore?

Over the last couple of years, I talk very little about Guns, other than how disappointed I am in them. I think ultimately Eric was tired, let down, and would prefer to have a life. Receiving letters threatening litigation ain't so fun either, and sure wouldn't motivate me to keep spending money on a fan site.

Honestly I think MYGNR pulling the plug represents many things in regards to this band and it's fans.

 Rep: 768 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Axlin16 wrote:

Wow, amazing post, totally agree. I kind of forgot how things did adjust for the worse after CD's release. People kind of said their goodbyes, and left for home, like after a family dinner or something.

And you're right, even talking about Guns has changed. When I talk about them in public now, it's always in the past tense. What they WERE. It's just easier that way. Pretty much everyone, even the people that LOVED the new band, would kind of like to forget how the last 18 years played out.

 Rep: 268 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Olorin wrote:

Yeah well said Cramer, that sums it up nicely.

MyGNR was a main source for news and updates as well for fans, and also for the media. So many fans posted stories that were soon after taken up by the online music media and it spread across the web, for good or bad.
Now HTGTH is the only big site left and the fact it is so heavily endorsed by GNR, it will probably be the one to pull in the new online fans and be the go to site for lazy journalists looking for a quick story. The fact it has such skewed and  deceitful agenda now wont be so transparent to new users and thats a real shame.

 Rep: 207 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

DCK wrote:

I think you're exagerrating the meaning of this closure a bit, but the last three posts certainly have very good points.

 Rep: 217 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Mikkamakka wrote:

The interesting thing is that the unofficial Hungarian fan site, was shot down a few weeks ago, after 8 years. The admin said he got tired, and has more important things in his life. The site came back a few weeks later with a new admin. I'm almost sure it's only a coincidence, but strange.

 Rep: 287 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Aussie wrote:

My take on the whole thing is that Eric in the last year or two really started to bend at the knee for the gnr camp. Yeah he and his crew got some back stage passes and some direct contact with Axl and co.  But the gnr camp were only using them for their own short term needs. Whether it was to censor stuff or a feeble attempt to control some of the online views of the band and another attempt to turn the site into a propaganda tool for the band like htgth.

It seems like Eric put all his chips into being the good gnr lap dog yet ultimately felt he was being played.  Running a site can't be cheap and to tow the company line one week and get lawyer letters the next about mls or Ron or whatever the fuck it was the next week must have worn pretty thin.

As James said it's no surprise they kicked Eric and mygnr to the curb in a heartbeat when it suited them.  I mean please Axl ringing eric a year or two ago to personally wish him a merry Christmas etc - pass me a bag I wanna vomit. Axl doesn't do that for some I online nerd coz he's a nice guy, they were playing them.

Gnr camp has no obligation to pay for that site tho and if Eric thought his ass licking would make them then more fool him! Some comments in his post sound strange like his annoyance at no us tour. Maybe he was counting on that to drive some traffic to the site and create some more ad revenue? Dunno it just sounded like an unfulfilled expectation of his pissed him off.

 Rep: 207 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

DCK wrote:

It's too weird to blame it on "no touring". For crying out loud, he ran that site for how many years with shit going on. Suddenly GNR goes on a 14 month tour and 5 months later he excuses the closure of the site on "no touring"?.

Shit doesn't add up.

 Rep: 16 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

dave-gnfnr wrote:

Karma is a bitch eh, that is what he gets for trying to be like htgth.
The mods are mygnr were just as bad as jarmos and what they did to madision was bullshit.  Eric never should have gave in to Beta and Axls demands because they set out to run that site into the ground and they suceeded, the smart people left that site a long time ago or got banned of course lol, most of us said that site would die once it sold its soul to the devil and now its pretty much dead.

Mygnr was always better than jarmos when it was not kissing Axls and Betas ass, once Eric and the mods started listening to them it was the beginning of the end.


Re: MyGNR closing for business

ppp wrote:
DCK wrote:

It's too weird to blame it on "no touring". For crying out loud, he ran that site for how many years with shit going on. Suddenly GNR goes on a 14 month tour and 5 months later he excuses the closure of the site on "no touring"?.

Shit doesn't add up.

It honestly sounds like he's more butt hurt about Gnr not giving him money and sending him that legal letter (which actually happens quite a bit with celebrity websites and possible slander, that wasn't special). But with the kind of trolling he allowed, I'm not sure what expected. Yes free speech is nice, but do you really think an artist is going to support your fan site when you've got people claiming to have his hacked emails that they are willing to sell?

I disagree with saying gnr wanted to kick the site to curb when it suited them and was planning this all along. I think they'd have been more than happy to keep Eric on their good side, seeing as that site had such a larger crowd. I think the msl thing is what changed that and axl wrote them off after.

 Rep: 475 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

misterID wrote:

Yeah, I think people are making more of this than what there is. From what I interpreted Eric saying is that the main reason the site shutdown is that the contact with Axl ended. And basically his messages weren't being returned. The only contact came from lawyers with C&D letters. That's what did it.

(it could also hurt to see all the perks jarmo continues to get when his site is slowly sinking into irrelevance while MYGNR was the biggest GNR site on the net)

And like DCK keeps pointing out, closing because the lack of touring and shit is a pretty weak reason. Truth is, the band has been more active recently than they have in YEARS of the online communities existence. And the fact there was the slightest tease of new songs leaking with MSL recently and the spike in traffic it caused, even here, kind of makes no sense of why he'd up and leave because there's "nothing going on." I think it all has to do with attention, or lack there of, from Axl and company.

Pure butt hurt response. 16

And there's no way HTGTH is going to benefit from this. The reason MYGNR got so big was because of the defections from HTGTH... Like this site and GNFNR... HTGTH kind of splintered the fanbase into their own camps. Plus you have loyalists to newgnr and HTGTH is not the big dog anymore. I'd have to say newgnr is the big site now.

I have to say though, I totally understand why Axl apparently hated MYGNR.

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