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 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

If it goes with the comic, which they have deviated from pretty well, there's going to be a ton of red herrings and false hope about a cure.

Yeah, everyone is excited about the governor. Big rumors say that he's actually going to be the New York dude in the bar that Rick shot... But apparanty didn't kill. Remember how interested they were in the women of the group? Plus, how the prisoner said they were kidnapping young girls and raping them?

And if they find the dudes in the prison that I think they are... This is going to get BRUTAL.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

I thought in the comic, the prison was vacated?

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Walking Dead

Axlin16 wrote:

Saw the finale the other day....


That's my boy. Good 'ole boy, southern SMART & WISE redneck woodsman. Staying calm under intense chaos.

Those are the boys that'll survive when the reaper calms to call.

As for the show, I think the show is talking a "Godfather Saga" angle. I think this whole thing is about the process of Rick becoming pure evil and losing his humanity. As you could see from Lori's reaction to Shane's death, Rick's "perfect world" was not quite that perfect. Lori looked in love with Shane, but stayed with Rick because of security reasons and Carl. Rick is starting to turn and everyone knows it, Daryl the most.

This whole thing might end with Daryl having to put down Rick, who's now become the "new Shane".

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Walking Dead

-D- wrote:

I argue with people on FB all the time about this show. They all thought i was nuts supporting Shane but Damn it.. Shane was RIGHT the entire fucking time.

They play it like Shane is cracking up or going crazy or what have u, but in reality he was the only smart one outside of Darryl

Randall would've found his group and slaughtered them.. thats why Shane broke his neck i think.

Rick is a terrible leader and father.. letting Carl just wonder through the woods etc.. terrible leadership skills.

Shane shoulda shot him when he had the drop on him.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Walking Dead

Axlin16 wrote:

I don't think Rick is a terrible leader. I think Rick is being forced into a position he's not comfortable with, because he's an alpha and the rest (other than Daryl) are not. Shane was also an alpha. So was Dale believe it or not. That's why Dale had such issue with alot of the decisions.

Rick's problem is Rick's humanity and belief of "everybody just needs a chance and they'll pick themselves up" bullshit.

The other HUGE issue Rick has is his belief of "reversing the problem". Rick thinks that if they can find a fortified compound, they can recreate a way of life and the problem will eventually go away. He might not show it, but trust me -- HE BELIVES IT. That shit is gonna get him killed and the people around him.

Daryl has ACCEPTED the situation.  So has Carol. So has Andrea. The rest are broken, lost, screaming children kicking against the car seat going "I don't wanna go!".

At the same time D.... Shane was lost too. Shane had not accepted the situation. Not on the walkers, but on him and Lori & Carl. Shane was living in a delusion of life himself. Shane had the exact same problem as Rick, but the reverse. He was too far gone, burnout, fried, and disillusioned.

So I wouldn't back either of them. I don't think Rick is a bad leader. I think Rick has been forced into a position he doesn't want and he's doing the best he can.

Even though I completely disagree with his methods. I don't think it's fair when nobody else has picked up the ball and ran with it other than Shane.

Daryl is a different guy. He's an outlaw. He's the John Marston of the bunch. He doesn't sign up for either group. He's just surviving and keeping his soul in the process, without losing his integrity.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

All I can say is welcome to the Ricktatorship, baby! You're gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1416 21

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I thought in the comic, the prison was vacated?

Nah, I don't want to say too much to spoil ANYTHING and perhaps they'll take a different path in the TV show, but the prison is pretty gnarly. I can't see how they'd soften it.

D, Rick actually needed to kill Shane to become the leader he needed to be. Rick's problem was the he was trying to hold on to a world that didn't exist anymore. And Shane was absolutely a loose cannon that would have gotten everyone killed if he were in charge. They balanced each other out, but their emotional and mental states just made it impossible for Rick and Shane to co-exist.

Since Daryl is a new character, I'm thinking he's going to take the Dale angle from the comic (the two were pretty different) and perhaps another charcter from the comic that has daryl written all over him, but was very minor.

Rick is just starting to evolve. I can't wait to see where it's headed. He'll always be the focus. You just have to see where this is headed between EVERYONE in the group.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Walking Dead

Axlin16 wrote:

Another interesting angle is if Lori becomes some sort sex or slave bitch to the Govenor to survive, and ultimately just pushes Carl further into Rick's side driving a wedge into the family angle.

People will do anything to survive. That baby angle could become very interesting. Lori is gonna need something drastic. She was becoming boring as a face, and now she's already turning heel (she's become VERY hateable, and actually made Shane a sympathetic character before his death).

Lori making a full heel turn could drive Rick even further over the edge.

"Rick shoots and kills Lori killing her and the unborn child"

How's that for a game changer? That's pretty fucking hardcore. I'm still convinced Rick is slowly turning evil ala Michael Corleone.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Walking Dead

-D- wrote:

Guys any chance we can put comic stuff in spoiler form? I have several friends on fb who spoiled most of this season and I really wanna be surprised and follow tv series only.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

Yeah, I'm being real careful not to say too much, D. I'm not going to let loose any spoilers.

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