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 Rep: 633 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Neemo wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'm not for turning this place into htgth but goddamnit if it wouldn't be nice to hear ANYONE say something positive about a GN'R tour besides just me and faldor. And no... "I may go if they come right to my front door step and I can get cheap or free tickets" doesn't count. Fuck. If you're a fan of Guns N' Roses, then be a fan of Guns N' Roses. If you're not then what the fuck are you doing even bothering with a thread about their new tour??

I think its pretty sweet that the US tour is finally happening for you guys...maybe i'll get lucky and they'll do a couple canada daters too...but hard to get excited personally until they announce all the dates to see if it affects those outside of florida

i'm happy to see them active again but its an arms length happy at the moment 16

 Rep: 633 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

monkeychow wrote:

My thing is that I believe Axl to be the best frontman and best singer of his generation, and one of the best of all time.

One day (hopefully long off) he'll be amongst the greats of the past that we're now unable to see, like Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Elvis etc, and so I sort of view any time he peforms as a treat for the audience, and to a lesser extent, any of us who are able to experience it second hand on video etc.

Bottom line is at this stage there's two things that can happen. One is that Axl peforms his way - on his terms with his line up and so on - and the other is that he retires and we never hear from him again.

Myself I'm thankful for any chance to see him peform and so will take a concert on his terms. To me seeing Axl play a classic hit live, is much like if I could see Bethoven peform the moonlight sonata or whatever live. It's kind of an honour.

I feel the same way when I see slash's solo show. I'm honoured to hear him play the songs too - as one day it will all just be history.

Sure we all have our preferred and dream line ups, but the bottom line is the current guys do sound great too - they're world class musicians, and they're doing a great job of facilitating Axl's peformance. If it's that or nothing, I'll take that everytime. I loved old GNR too. But it's not happening anymore - and it's better they each do their own things than just retire IMO. Less waste of talent.

 Rep: 485 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Neemo wrote:
russtcb wrote:

BTW as we know, your country frowns upon my legal past so is there any chance you can make it down to Detroit for a show?

i dont have my passport....maybe i will have to get on that

 Rep: 633 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

RussTCB wrote:


Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Smoking Guns wrote:

Its worth it to see for Axl only.  Lets keep the two separate.  Axl is a must see, his backing band is not.  After seeing all the videos in the other thread, its not even close.  That was a must see band.  Axl is a must see front man/singer.  Just like Slash is a must see player, which is why so many of you went to his solo shows, cause you don't see an icon like that on a daily basis.

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

johndivney wrote:
russtcb wrote:
johndivney wrote:

hold on a minute
with the price of admission being what it is people are more than justified to call this what it is, a money-grabbing exercise from a phony rock n roll band soiling the memory of something that was once truly special.

james is right that the show by & large is a nostalgia trip, which is why people should hate on it.

You're exactly right; "People should hate on it". Do you have any clue how ridiculous that sounds?

Let me ask you this; is there ANYTHING this line up could do to make you happy? Or are you just so stuck in the 80s and 90s that you cannot move on? Because if the answer to the first question is "No" and the answer to the second question is "Yes" then why would you even waste the energy "hating on it"

And I'm so sick to death of the "money grabbing" argument. I assume all the bands you go see must play for free. The price of GN'R tickets is far less than what other acts are charging this year, so what's the problem? Even at the highest ticket price ($75) I'll be shocked if the tour breaks even. With the cost of everything to do with a show these days, $75 a ticket ain't gonna cut it to go grabbin' a ton-o-cash.

i am not stuck in the 80s & 90s. i am not the one playing 16/7 songs a night from AFD & UYI.
there is PLENTY this band could do to make me happy. recycling setlists from 25 years ago does not please me., 4 years on from the last studio album & no new songs does not make me a happy it makes me a sad panda.
the way it's being run atm however i find deeply unsettling - tho at least they've dropped any pretence of being anything other than a money grabbing nostalgia trip so i applaud that subtle, if mean-spirited, honesty.

people should demonize & dismiss any artists trading on past glories in the way rock bands do. it's an ugly betrayal of the pioneering spirit of rock n roll. GnR have reduced themselves to the level of Journey & Whitesnake. there was a chance to blaze their own trail & break new ground, but that has been sacrificed due to laziness & the appeal of easy money.

you misinterpret what i mean by money-grabbing. i would have no qualms paying a lotta canoli's if it were an honest endeavor being undertaken. but any good, wholesome values walked out the door a long time ago.
this band is morally bankrupt.
only a determined volte-face will see the genuine nature of the beast reawakened. & we know that's never ever going to happen.   

& i hope you'll see i'm avoiding the argument of what is GnR - cause i agree with you & monkeychow & Smoking Guns with regards Axl's iconic status & i believe like that old quote from Classic Rock Axl is the one irreplaceable member of GnR.
but what GnR have become is, atm especially, an egregious affront to the ethos that founded the the institution. it's a betrayal of what was the ultimate rock n roll band to parade the way they do. it cheats the fans & it cheapens the legacy.

 Rep: 41 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Ali wrote:
johndivney wrote:
russtcb wrote:
johndivney wrote:

hold on a minute
with the price of admission being what it is people are more than justified to call this what it is, a money-grabbing exercise from a phony rock n roll band soiling the memory of something that was once truly special.

james is right that the show by & large is a nostalgia trip, which is why people should hate on it.

You're exactly right; "People should hate on it". Do you have any clue how ridiculous that sounds?

Let me ask you this; is there ANYTHING this line up could do to make you happy? Or are you just so stuck in the 80s and 90s that you cannot move on? Because if the answer to the first question is "No" and the answer to the second question is "Yes" then why would you even waste the energy "hating on it"

And I'm so sick to death of the "money grabbing" argument. I assume all the bands you go see must play for free. The price of GN'R tickets is far less than what other acts are charging this year, so what's the problem? Even at the highest ticket price ($75) I'll be shocked if the tour breaks even. With the cost of everything to do with a show these days, $75 a ticket ain't gonna cut it to go grabbin' a ton-o-cash.

i am not stuck in the 80s & 90s. i am not the one playing 16/7 songs a night from AFD & UYI.
there is PLENTY this band could do to make me happy. recycling setlists from 25 years ago does not please me., 4 years on from the last studio album & no new songs does not make me a happy it makes me a sad panda.
the way it's being run atm however i find deeply unsettling - tho at least they've dropped any pretence of being anything other than a money grabbing nostalgia trip so i applaud that subtle, if mean-spirited, honesty.

people should demonize & dismiss any artists trading on past glories in the way rock bands do. it's an ugly betrayal of the pioneering spirit of rock n roll. GnR have reduced themselves to the level of Journey & Whitesnake. there was a chance to blaze their own trail & break new ground, but that has been sacrificed due to laziness & the appeal of easy money.

you misinterpret what i mean by money-grabbing. i would have no qualms paying a lotta canoli's if it were an honest endeavor being undertaken. but any good, wholesome values walked out the door a long time ago.
this band is morally bankrupt.
only a determined volte-face will see the genuine nature of the beast reawakened. & we know that's never ever going to happen.   

& i hope you'll see i'm avoiding the argument of what is GnR - cause i agree with you & monkeychow & Smoking Guns with regards Axl's iconic status & i believe like that old quote from Classic Rock Axl is the one irreplaceable member of GnR.
but what GnR have become is, atm especially, an egregious affront to the ethos that founded the the institution. it's a betrayal of what was the ultimate rock n roll band to parade the way they do. it cheats the fans & it cheapens the legacy.

I'm sorry, but this "recycling setlists" and playing so many songs from AFD and UYI point as a reason to hate on the band is absolutely asinine.  Why?  Because there is a large portion of the concert attending audience that wants to see the classics/hits played live.  The reason GN'R play "November Rain", "You Could Be Mine", "Sweet Child O' Mine" and "Paradise City" is the same reason that when you go to see Metallica, you will see them play "Enter Sandman", "One",  and "Sad But True".  When I saw U2 a few months, they played "One", "Where The Streets Have No Name", "Mysterious Ways", and "Beautiful Day" for the same reasons.  It's a no win situation for the bands.  If they play the hits, there will be individuals like yourself that will criticize them and make comparisons to Journey and the like.  If they don't, there will be a large number of concert-goers that will be irritated they did not get to hear the classic hits.

That is a horseshit point to harp on.  Be a Debbie Downer if you want, bu that argument is weak, period.


Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

johndivney wrote:

the regurgitated setlists are only a small fraction of the problem but definitely it's not a weak argument. there's no complaints on my end re: SCOM/YCBM/NR but you take it back to 01/02 & it's ITS/Brownstone/LALD/KOHD & even The Blues whereas there's a plethora of hits that are ignored. i don't have [that much of] a problem with them playing the old stuff, it's just they play so much of the old stuff & only only certain old stuff - no Civil War, no Yesterdays, no Perfect Crime, no Think About You... Bumble had to drag Don't Cry kicking & screaming out of Axl & even now he still doesn't know & can't sing all the lyrics..

they could play plenty of old stuff & still have a fresh setlist.
the only changes to the setlist in the past decade have been Sorry & This I Love. THAT is asinine & lazy. what they're doing isn't rock n roll, it's a pantomime which is where comparisons with Whitesnake & Journey come in to it. now i'm no U2 fan but credit where it's due they continuously revamp their live show, they play the hits but they play a variety of them & they're not afraid of new songs. axl on the other had has been dragging along the same sorry carcass for at least a decade.

edit: & there is a win situation for the band, and for everyone. that's to keep pushing forward & FUCK those people who are just there for the hits. those people are dead fucking weight. mindless drones fed by an industry only after their money.

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