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 Rep: 53 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

slashsfro wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'm getting so sick of people acting disappointed in this material.

A friend of mine said of Tattoo "The lyrics aren't all the great and it sounds like Dave phoned in the singing"

Um..... if you were coming to DLR-era-VH, you were coming to the wrong place to begin with. Second, the lyrics or Tattoo are actually pretty good when you listen/look at what DLR says about them. Third; when HASN'T Dave "phoned in" his singing? Isn't that part of the charm?

Sorry to rant, but it just kind of came to a head for me tonight after seeing Trunk tweet about how unimpressed with the material he is. It's like, look man, go back to going on and on about bands NO ONE cares about and leave the enjoying Van Halen to actual fans of the band in the first place.

I mean.... what the fuck where people expecting??

Yeah, Dave's never been a high pitched screamer.  He's more of a yeller which means that his voice doesn't sound all that different.  I'm enjoying all the new VH stuff.  Van Halen has always been fun music to listen to and I'm really not sure what the complaints are.   I mean no one realistically expects them to put out another classic like Fair Warning considering the circumstances.  I mean Eddie was near death a few years ago and had tongue cancer and looked like shit.  Now he looks happier and looks like he is enjoying life.

Blood and fire has a pretty good solo near the end.  I caught The Trouble with Never and that has some really interesting guitar stuff from Eddie.  Stay Frosty sounds odd to me too but the last part of the clip was really kicking into high gear.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

slashsfro wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'm getting so sick of people acting disappointed in this material.

A friend of mine said of Tattoo "The lyrics aren't all the great and it sounds like Dave phoned in the singing"

Um..... if you were coming to DLR-era-VH, you were coming to the wrong place to begin with. Second, the lyrics or Tattoo are actually pretty good when you listen/look at what DLR says about them. Third; when HASN'T Dave "phoned in" his singing? Isn't that part of the charm?

Sorry to rant, but it just kind of came to a head for me tonight after seeing Trunk tweet about how unimpressed with the material he is. It's like, look man, go back to going on and on about bands NO ONE cares about and leave the enjoying Van Halen to actual fans of the band in the first place.

I mean.... what the fuck where people expecting??

Yeah, Dave's never been a high pitched screamer.  He's more of a yeller which means that his voice doesn't sound all that different.  I'm enjoying all the new VH stuff.  Van Halen has always been fun music to listen to and I'm really not sure what the complaints are.   I mean no one realistically expects them to put out another classic like Fair Warning considering the circumstances.  I mean Eddie was near death a few years ago and had tongue cancer and looked like shit.  Now he looks happier and looks like he is enjoying life.

Blood and fire has a pretty good solo near the end.  I caught The Trouble with Never and that has some really interesting guitar stuff from Eddie.  Stay Frosty sounds odd to me too but the last part of the clip was really kicking into high gear.

I'm extremely impressed with Eddie's guitar work on the tracks. He's taking that classic sound with the tapping in the solos and giving it a modern sound that could be traced back to FUCK or a Humans Being style of playing. I heard some of Stay Frosty on CSI last night (which is only reason I watched that episode) and got to hear some more of the riffs and I was impressed. It basically could be the sequel to Ice Cream Man in a sense. A good ol' 70's Dave VH track with some other stuff thrown into the mix that gives it a weirdness to it. Blood and Fire is just a fun song; but I liked the Trouble with Never better. xD COME ON, VH! JUST TAKE MY MONEY, PLEASE!!! XD Yeah..I agree I was getting pissed at Trunk. I mean dude! Van Halen shouldn't be something to be over analyzed with listening to individual tracks. They are the mighty Van Halen and finally putting out a record of some form. In the words of Guns N' Roses, Just a little patience....

 Rep: 633 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

I know right? some of these people just want to make a scene and probably only listened to all the big Van Halen songs. If they don't like the new lineup, they can find something else to listen to.

 Rep: 149 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

slcpunk wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Listening to Trouble With Never Right Now, pretty bad ass.

Yea, it really fucking rips. Very unique too.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

smoke wrote:

Heard Trouble With Never, Tattoo, Blood and Fire, and the preview of Stay Frosty on a radio station in Rhode Island today while driving home from a client.  All good songs. The DJ really dug them too- but took time out to compare and contrast the production on classic VH with these new tracks, and he was right about one thing: these area much "drier" mixes than the old way they did them. Not a judgement call, but he's right- when you put this stuff against Panama, the old stuff is much more energetic and dynamic so far.
Nonetheless, I think all 4 songs have good things going for them. Can't wait to buy this album!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'm getting to the end of my rope with Trunk. The VH thing is gonna be the straw that breaks the camels back.

At first I was thinking he was just a good dude who's way into rock music and metal, but since I've been following him on Twitter I've come to find out that he's a dude who loves UFO and Deep Purple and mentions them every two seconds.

Outside of that, he has no firm opinions whatsoever. He waits for everyone else to weigh in on something, then takes the popular opinion and claims it as his own. And that's where it relates to VH directly; He'll compliment a track but go right back on it if everyone disagrees. He'll insult a track but go right back on it if every disagrees.

And I stand by my opinion on the new material. The dumbest thing that's been said to me so far is still this:
I was so pissed off at the stupidity of that comment that I couldn't even reply. 16 It's like.....really? Dave phoned in the signing and the lyrics are stupid? Have you heard VHI through 1984???

I still swear that person isn't a Van Halen fan.

No Van Halen fan, a real one from the Roth-era, would make that comment. My guess is your friend became a fan during the Hagar era, or doesn't really know much about the band and just wants to sound like he's apart of the conversation.

I heard MANY MANY people make the same kinda comments about Chinese Democracy, especially on the radio, and when they were pressed, you found out they didn't know any GN'R songs outside of Jungle, Sweet Child, PC & NR.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Van Halen Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


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