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 Rep: 43 

Re: When's Album?

sp1at wrote:
russtcb wrote:
sp1at wrote:

The label have nothing planned for GN'R and are waiting for hear from the band as to what their plans are. In fact, they are never informed of their tour plans which they would be happy to advertise on their website.

I'm always happy to blame "management" for stuff like this.

sp1at wrote:

The band want to record after the tour for 2-3 months and release a new album before the end of the year.

I would love it if this ends up happening obviously.

There is no 'management' anymore, unfortunately.

The middle man is gone, I think that is why the excitement has waned on the forums. There is no spin doctor anymore.

 Rep: 287 

Re: When's Album?

Aussie wrote:

Thanks for the info sp1at, I hope the recording and release things happens, although Im not holding my breath.

As for all the other shit going on can people try and refrain from personal insults and name calling and baiting of each other.  It's tiring waking up in the morning, checking the board for new stuff and having to wade thru petty feuds that have really just degenerated into a name calling shit fight rather than an intelligent discussion/debate.

Yeah I'm guilty of it too so I'm not excluding myself from the above behaviour.  But when you are not directly involved in "the fight" it becomes annoying to wade through it.

 Rep: 661 

Re: When's Album?

monkeychow wrote:


If the band did finish up their contract with would pave the way to do a lot of self-funded then self released type stuff. Much like how NIN or even people like bumblefoot do.

I could see Axl enjoying that world he'd be able to be in control of it all and not have to agree with the business types and label on things.

The question really is....can the business issues that are preventing a final universal album be resolved.

And my guess is it is business issues...given we KNOW there's a bunch of songs around that have been done. It can only be that they've got personal/business issues with the label.

 Rep: 633 

Re: When's Album?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: When's Album?

misterID wrote:

You know what, Skydog has the right idea. Later.

 Rep: 70 

Re: When's Album?

russtcb wrote:
sp1at wrote:

The label have nothing planned for GN'R and are waiting for hear from the band as to what their plans are. In fact, they are never informed of their tour plans which they would be happy to advertise on their website.

I'm always happy to blame "management" for stuff like this.

sp1at wrote:

The band want to record after the tour for 2-3 months and release a new album before the end of the year.

I would love it if this ends up happening obviously.

You know everything on this forum is waiting with banted breath. 16  I would love to hear what's left of the vault plus a fresh album featuring DJ's songwriting with Axl and the rest of the current lineup. I want to hear the rest of Bucket's and Robin's material to because it's important. I have a cool idea! Whenever the album does get released and if there are copies sold at Best Buy, most of us on the forum should meet up at a particular one and just pull out the vehicles, buy the album, blast it on the stereos, and then grab some drinks at the pub and celebrate! GNR party! 5

 Rep: 768 

Re: When's Album?

Axlin16 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

And this is where our free-download culture will get us. Only money for the band is in playing live or t-shirts, so that's what we'll get sad

Then we were right.

Most guys got into music for money, not art.

Check and mate

 Rep: 768 

Re: When's Album?

Axlin16 wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
misterID wrote:

It's his band, so yeah, he's going to use the name and doesn't have to go solo.

You can play your game forever (however I doubt Axl would reward you with backstage passes - update me please if it happens), but Guns N' Roses means much more than Axl Rose. Legally the name is his property, I don't wanna restart the debate about his nasty tricks. He is what he is, we all know that. Anyway. Guns N' Roses represents much more than W. Axl Rose for the world. It wasn't his solo project - now it is. But with the name he stole all the extra value Slash, Duff, Izzy and Steven, his ex-partners added to the brand. And that's a LOT. Not Axl Rose wrote Appetite For Destruction, Lies and Use Your Illusion. Guns N' Roses wrote those albums and Axl was only one member of that group. It's a fact, although the Axlist Fundemantalists tries to rewrite history just like Stalinist did back in the day, deleting people and adding others who weren't even there. … Yezhov.jpg … shes_2.jpg

This is exactly how Axlites want to erase people from the past who were important and fundemantal to the band's success, who were important and fundemental creators of Guns N' Roses. Just how Nikolai Yezhov 'vanishes' from this picture, Axlites erase Slash and the others from the band's history, with minimalizing their DECIDING efforts. Next time you'll find Paul Tobias in the place of Slash, as the mastermind behind GN'R's success.
Fuck it.

Just like the Slashvangelicals have been trying to erase Izzy from existence for years to promote Slash.

Both sides do it, and I have no idea why. There's alot of people that run around that were Axl Rose & Slash fans. Never Guns N' Roses.

 Rep: 108 

Re: When's Album?

war wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

And this is where our free-download culture will get us. Only money for the band is in playing live or t-shirts, so that's what we'll get sad

Then we were right.

Most guys got into music for money, not art.

Check and mate

well, if music exists - at some point it was created and became art

not releasing it doesn't make it all about money necessarily

not sharing the art is probably more of a power play with the label

 Rep: 768 

Re: When's Album?

Axlin16 wrote:

The label doesn't want it

That's Axl's problem. His power play is gone, or directly tied to a reunion. He has no sway with them anymore. If he wants it released, he's gonna have to work for it.

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