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 Rep: 475 

Re: When's Album?

misterID wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I always get bashed for this but I think it's a great album too.

Obviously it's a post slash album so it's not going to be the same as the old stuff, but as long as people are open minded about that, I think it's great. There's some stuff I'd have wished would have been different - things like the release lack of promo, and I'm not even real jazzed about about the mastering/mixing in places...

But songwriting wise and performance wise I think it's an artistic and thoughtful piece. The politics of the name is a shame as I think it's a great musical achievement in a lot of ways.

Agreed. smile

 Rep: 200 

Re: When's Album?

apex-twin wrote:

Another Ashba mention of a new album. Try to contain your enthusiasm, eh?

Once the tour is over, Guns N' Roses will turn their focus to working on a seventh album.

Despite dozens of songs in rough form, the band are in no hurry - but there won't be another decade-long delay.

"It won't be another Chinese Democracy but then again we're in no rush to make a bad record," says Ashba.

"Failing is not an option so we're putting our heart and soul into this one."

- … -n-r-mate/

 Rep: 287 

Re: When's Album?

Aussie wrote:

There is some real comedy in that article:

"Axl is in a position where he doesn't have to be cool with the band but he treats us like gold.

"He lets us write our own solos and gives everybody their time to shine on stage and I think that says a lot about who he is.

He just wants to have a bloody break in between songs if you ask me.

"He has no problem sharing the spotlight, in fact he quite likes it - otherwise he'd be doing this interview and not me."

Haha he lets them do the shit he doesn't want or like doing.

Ashba insists the delays have been caused by production issues rather than arrogance on behalf of Rose, explaining a team of 100 people is co-ordinating the show from backstage.

"We have a huge rig and pyrotechnics so often it's the case of fitting all that into the venue. Our number one priority is to make the shows safe."

Please can we stop with the excuses.  Axl is the reason for the majority of the lateness, don't try and serve us this other shit. 

What, have GNR just managed to hire the most incompetent road crew night after night year after year.  Maybe every other band in the world has taken all the good workers and that's why they can deliver their shows on time, whilst GNR just have what's left, a bunch of numptys working for them?

Please don't insult my intelligence or your own road crew for that matter.

 Rep: 77 

Re: When's Album?

smoke wrote:

Too drunk to properly rail against this bullshit right now.

 Rep: 15 

Re: When's Album?

jonesy wrote:

"He lets us write our own solo's and everything!"

Now that is a laughable comment. Thing is, if it was said in irony, that would be well funny, but he's saying it straight, poor chap.

Re: When's Album?

Sky Dog wrote:

This guy is a complete idiot.....I am officially done, done, and done with this shit.

Re: When's Album?

Lomax wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

This guy is a complete idiot.....I am officially done, done, and done with this shit.


 Rep: 633 

Re: When's Album?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 194 

Re: When's Album?

tejastech08 wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

Also... I can't even begin to comment on "He lets us write our own solos"

lulz, that quote sums it all up for Posers N' Roses.

Re: When's Album?

Sky Dog wrote:

please don't drag Tommy or Ron in to this least they are fuckin honest.

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