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 Rep: 633 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

It's pretty f'n sad that we can't even get through this thread without some fighting.

It's okay, I'm ingoring the negative comments and just carrying on. I'm celebrating the band and ain't nothing gonna get me off that. I'm not arguing with anyone tonight just going to enjoy reliving these moments and memories!


 Rep: 15 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

I remember the first time I saw GNR on television. It was on MTV, and the video was November Rain. I remember flipping the channel a few times, and eventually I just left it. I had no idea who they were or what was going on, but when I saw Axl I fell in love. Hard. I wanted to know everything about him, about the band, you name it. Of course, this was right around the time when they broke up. I followed every rumor, read all the stupid magazine articles. I bought the CD's, posters, books, etc etc etc. Axl Rose was a huge influence on my life. Guns N Roses as a whole was a big influence on me as well. There are days where I stop and think- what if I never knew who they were. That's how big they are to me.

My favorite moments both good and bad. My first time seeing Axl live on tv was at the MTV video music awards in 2002 (?) Right before their first tour. The first time I would ever get to see them live. I didn't care who was in the band, I just wanted to finally see the music live for myself. I saw them at MSG, and I was there in Philly when it all fell apart. I traveled to Toronto to see them, and Dallas. If I had the funds I would have flown out to Vegas, or caught one of the up close and personal shows in NYC.

Basically, I guess I would be an Axl fan. I would follow that man to hell and back, and some days I feel like I've done just that. Guns N' Roses is what you make of them. I just want to hear the music. Period. I don't care who is up there playing the instruments.

In closing, I want to say, regardless of any feelings or personal beliefs. I am so excited for GNR to be going into the Hall. Thanks guys for making such amazing music, and for being such a huge influence on my life.

Axl -Thank you. For everything.

 Rep: 194 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

tejastech08 wrote:

Here is one of my favorites, an acoustic version of Don't Cry played 5 years before it hit the Top 10 of the Billboard charts. The audience had some disrespectful bitches who felt it was a better idea to talk instead of listen, but I think that is part of this video's charm too. The band was so unknown at the time that the people in the audience didn't have a clue they were watching one of the all-time greats perform one of their most popular songs. Funny how moments like this can be captured and frozen in time for everyone to look at years later.

I love how the band just doesn't care about the audience and plays their ass off even if no one is listening. Shows how dedicated they were in the early days. Scratching and clawing their way to the top. It's a fantastic performance, especially by Axl. If only the band performed this song acoustically more often. If only...

 Rep: 475 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

misterID wrote:

I had a chance to see GN'R and Metallica and Soundgarden when I was 13, but my mom ended up not letting me go. 4

I'd much rather have seen the Skin N' Bones tour, for GN'R anyway.

Really wish there was better quality of this...

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

DCK wrote:

Ok, prolly not counting at all but;

You won't get any closer to the resurrection of Christ than what you did with Axl Rose at this moment in time.

And this counts as one of the most kickass moment in time

I mentioned on Facebook that the second video should be GNR's "performance" tonight. After everyone finishes their speeches, drop the lights and play that on the video screen.

 Rep: 661 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

monkeychow wrote:

Amazing thread guys.

A lot of mine have already been posted, so just some quick memories, not in any real order:

1. The video clip for YCBM - pretty much as amazing and exciting as live footage of a band could ever be captured in that little gem. It makes you see it and want to see more of the band.

2. Remember watching the LALD clip with my best mate and we'd turn off the lights so the stobes on the TV clip made the whole room flash and we'd headbang to it.

3. Ritz 88 - what else can you say - fucking sleazy ass but the best band ever.

4. Hair of the Dog live with Axl n Larz. Check out Axl in that clip. Looks awesome and crazy all at once.

5. The video someone posted of Axl's return at RIR3. Not the "real" GNR I admit but the vibe of the show was almost religious and Axl came out with all the hype of the WWE or something. Had to love it.

7. Seeing GNR in 1993, like 70,000 people or something. Mindblowing.

8. Slash's MTV launch gig in Melbourne. Won tix. Got front row. Went with my girlfriend of the time who was only into pop but was so impressed with slash's chrisma when we got home she demanded to hear his other albums and suck me off at the same time. (Thanks Slash!) - but I was already in heaven from seeing Slash so close after all these years. We're spoilt for it now. But that was pre the whole Slash/Myles tour so - him playing all the GNR hits with myles that night was really exciting when you were used to VR era Slash. If i die and have to relive nights in an afterlife it's hard to go past front row of slash and then porn with a star-struck girl tho wink

Ok i'm rambling, but I'd also like to give honourable mentions to:

* Axl's lyrics which I think have saved my life in times of depression etc


*Slash's guitar which has made me love music, learn to play music, and have as much fun as I've had making my own band and stuff.

oh and

* Duff is just cool....

Thanks to all of GNR for everything - it's ment the world to my life really!

 Rep: 194 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

tejastech08 wrote:

One of Axl's craziest moments on stage. As Rick James would say, cocaine is a helluva drug!!!!

 Rep: 633 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 287 

Re: GNREVO HOF tribute to Guns N' Roses.

Aussie wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

A riot in St Louis. But I love that short show. They all were high on different drugs, it was their sloppiest day in the UYI times, but for me... it's Guns N' Roses, too.

Two of my favourites from that gig:

Agree that Perfect Crime performance was awesome. The energy and pure venom as Axl spits the lyrics out. It's like he was so wired and so pissed off about something right before he took the stage and it just reflected in his performance.

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